The Fruits of Political Correctness

20 Years Later.... President Obama today called the Ft. Hood massacre "a tragedy that is incomprehensible..." Despite all his other fine words at the memorial, in this he is dead wrong. And precisely because of that kind of wrongness, many are dead. We DO understand already Maj. Hasan's motivations -- he'd been speaking them loud and clear for years, as it's coming out now, and shouted them loud and clear as he began shooting -- "Allah akbar!" His loyalties were long in question. The US media has been tripping over itself to ignore the obvious, and blame it on everything but the obvious -- even coining new terms like "pre-traumatic stress," or blaming hazing, or our involvement in a war the Left is anxious to blame, and that as Rev. Wright said, "our chickens have come home to roost." As Occam's razor goes, the simplest solution is usually the correct one. The British press is the only press with integrity to report his Al Q...