
Showing posts from July, 2010

The View Trumps Scout Centennial Jamboree

We continue to gain insights into Obama's values (or lack thereof), as he has somehow found time to go on The View, but none to make a traditional presidential appearance at BSA's quadrennial jamboree in Virginia -- and not just any, but the Centennial. Nor the even more convenient centennial BSA march in Washington, D.C., right by the White House. The president is the honorary president of BSA, but that means about as much to him as the honorary "leader of the free world." Of course we shouldn't expect anything different -- he's just showing his solidarity with the anti-Scouting ACLU and gay activists. Again, playing to his base, just as with the Arizona bill. We'll see how far all that gets him and his party come Nov. when we declaw him by clipping his Congressional majority, so that he stops shredding the fabric of our society. The "great uniter." Right. No one plays the hand they're dealt (the race card) like Obama. And they were ...

The South IS Rising Again!

Who would have thought that the South would rise again! States rights, again, but to enforce the federal law. Florida, Texas & Virginia (& others) have joined Arizona by filing briefs in support of the Arizona anti-illegal-immigration law. Solidarity!!! Viewed another way, the federal government (at least this administration) is seceding from the constitutional union.

New NASA Mission: not Mars or the Moon, but Islam!

Well, the cartoon exaggerates slightly – the Arabs invented only algebra, not all of math. After all, the Greeks knew something about geometry, etc. But other than that it’s quite accurate – Obama has directed that one of NASA’s prime priorities is to reach out to the Muslim world to help them feel better about their technological prowess. No doubt they’ll feel great about the condescension. Equality -- of Outcome This can be easily understood in light of the liberal/left preoccupation with equality and feeling good about oneself, whether deserved or not. For them, equal opportunity is not enough – they will not rest until there is equal outcome (socialism), and will enforce it if necessary. See also the Prager University link (above, right) on the “American Trinity” of values vs. the French trinity. Hence redistribution of wealth, apologizing for American status and attempting to lower it militarily (unilaterally), economically (at least the result, if not explicit intent), bri...