Walk Like an Egyptian...or European...or Greek...or Teacher?

Walk Like an Egyptian? A poll of Egyptians by MEMRI is rather depressing, showing a majority aligning with the overall philosophies of the Muslim Brotherhood – sharia, elimination of Israel, etc.(see/hear Prager’s Feb. 7 hour 1). And Obama says that there are “strains of ideology” in the Muslim Brotherhood that are radical/jihadi? The definition of “strain” is a trace or narrow streak – both implying minute – not the case here. It is basically one and the same as Hamas. The Egyptian revolution was a failure of U.S. intelligence. And the intelligence agency apparently was getting its information on events there from the news networks. On top of that, the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, said before Congress that the Muslim Brotherhood is “largely secular.” He apparently hasn’t read recent (this month) statements by their leader praising their model, Iran, jihad against the US & Israel, etc. Now the Tunisian & Egyptian governments have fallen, Libya appear...