Saving Congressman Ryan, Holy Grail, Higher Values & Syria

Saving Congressman Ryan Flashback (or deja vous?). The Fuhrer had come to power with mesmerizing oratory and promises of new national salvation. He rallied his forces and drove deep into enemy territory, overturning the old order. The war had been fully engaged for over 2 years since the Fuhrer launched his blitzkrieg, and daring advances. The national socialists had advanced their control to the coasts, and were deeply entrenched in defensive positions. They appeared impregnable. But an invasion force of young brave men gathered to storm those beaches, and ashore they went to turn back those losses. The battle was fierce, and every weapon available was used against them. The enemy snipers directed their fire especially at one young soldier who seemed especially threatening, and those immediately around him, cutting him off from many of his comrades. But a force was sent in to save Private (er, Congressman) Ryan, and the valiant cause and powerful weapon he carried – a deficit...