Raising the Roof

It’s coming down to the Aug. 2 wire for the national debt ceiling deadline, with a game of chicken between the spending reduction & budget balancing advocates (GOP) & tax revenue raising advocates (Democrats). Workable compromises are yet to materialize – notwithstanding the Senate “gang of 6.” Prince Harry has issued a royal decree that the “cut, cap & balance” legislation passed in the House of Representatives will not even be considered in the Senate. And royal highness Obama indicated he would veto such a bill. Not that he has any specific proposal of his own. But he does have plenty of wrath & indignation for what he says are basically politically motivated and obstructionist Republicans. Not that there might be any nobler motives among the GOP, or any political maneuvering and motives by Democrats. Compromise is always one-sided with Democrats. And his highness also commanded the leaders to appear before him to explain themselves. Why should Boehner give an...