
Showing posts from August, 2011

Debt Deal Fallout

The Debt Ceiling Fallout Leading up to the last-minute debt ceiling bill, Democrat Chuck Schumer was saying that the only game in town is the Senate – that “The House can’t even tie their shoes.” That’s the bipartisan spirit, in keeping with Obama’s talking out of two sides of his mouth. And he accused House Republicans of just saying no. Not that Obama didn’t repeatedly say no to House proposals, never coming up with a concrete one of his own. The House Democrats were much less bipartisan than the Senate Republicans. Reid & Obama say Republicans should act like adults! Now that’s the pot calling the kettle black! Obama said that “it’s not a time for politics as usual” If not, why did he insist on such a large increase so that the next debt ceiling vote will take place after the 2012 election (knowing it would hurt his reelection if before), rather than much smaller increase and earlier next vote, as was the case in almost every other case the ceiling was raised? ...