All the Other Pols with the Pumped up Polls....

Here's Real Clear Politics' national poll tracking graph for the past year, showing Romney (purple) & Ron Paul (yellow) the steadiest. Beginning in June, when the campaign & debates picked up, you see one by one the various "flavors of the month" (or about 6 weeks) peaking -- Bachman (black), Perry (blue), Cain (red), Gingrich (green). Gingrich already peaked and falling. Brown is Santorum, pink Huntsman. Romney's picked up a couple key endorsements in early primary states -- the Des Moines (Iowa) Register, and Gov. Nikki Haley of S. Carolina (a Tea Party favorite). I'll repeat my little home-made ode that's appropriate here (goes to the tune of "Pumped up Kicks"): All the other pols with the pumped up polls, Better run, better run -- outrun Team Romney. All the other pols with the pumped up polls, Better run, better run -- faster than Mitt Romney.