South Carolina & the State of dis-Union

The Gift that Keeps on Giving Newt seems to be riding a second wave, this one in good part of the making of the liberal media running the debates. He’s now capitalized in 2 debates in a row on gimme questions providing the perfect segway to lashing out against the liberal media – a favorite target of conservatives. First was the Jan. 16 debate response to Juan Williams’ insinuation that his having poor kids work (e.g., school cleanup) was racially demeaning. Conservatives are tired of liberals’ overreach with the race card. The other Jan. 19 to King’s leadoff about his ex-wife’s public accusations of him asking for an open marriage. His indignant responses elicited wild applause and a standing ovation. Santorum has said that “I don’t know how much Newt paid King for that question, but it wasn’t enough.” He, too, felt it was a significant factor in his last-minute surge in the South Carolina polls, and his win there. An anti-mainstream-media vote. Of course there were likely other facto...