You Don't Want to Go There, Barack
Obama is once again raising issues he should think twice about – I don’t think he really wants to go there, and will regret it. Lately he’s been attacking Romney because some of the companies Bain saved did some outsourcing (the cherry-picked exception rather than the rule). Of course there’s the dispute over whether Romney should have that imputed to him during the period (2000-2002) when he was running the Olympics full-time, and only on the Bain roster in name. But even giving them that, we now realize that (as even Chuck Schumer acknowledges) apparently 79% of the Obama stimulus (nearly a trillion dollars, I believe) went to outsourcing companies (or countries) like GE, less than half of whose employees work in the US, and who paid zero corporate tax in 2010. In other words a much larger number of outsourced jobs, and for a much lower ROI (return on investment). Obama has a near-zero net job creation (flat unemployment), whereas Romney & Bain ha...