
Showing posts from November, 2012

Presidential & CA Postmortems, Strategy & Thanks

I also worked for local (state assembly) candidate Craig Huey’s election, and despite his loss, he invited volunteers to an appreciation night (see below).  Lots of political junkies, refreshments, but most interesting were his post-mortem of human stories & statistical breakdown (including the presidential race), and lessons learned going forward.  In the photos below, Craig is the silver-haired guy in blue shirt & tie.  There were a few younger volunteers -- but we need more!  For those less interested in local politics (though they have broader ramifications), I’ll put up front his insights on the national race, which he saved to the end.   A Postmortem on the Presidential Race Romney got 8% more of the Catholic vote than McCain, but far fewer Evangelicals.  I believe I got the numbers right that he shared – 8 million Evangelicals didn’t vote in 2008, but 24 million in 2012!!!  The entire crowd groaned loudly at...

A Sad Day for America, but Resolve

As Romney said in Orlando the day before the election, “With the right leadership, America will come roaring back.  The door for a brighter future is open & waiting.”  That same day, Boehner said “Romney is the perfect man at the perfect time.” Election Day & Beyond On election day, I led a team study at work all morning, voted, then headed to Disneyland to spend the rest of the day with my brother & his family visiting from Las Vegas .  He was trying to get his mind off the election, but I couldn’t, and caught snippets of radio updates (Hugh Hewitt & KNX) between rides.  Just after 4pm initial exit polling sounded encouraging, W. Va. & S. Carolina for Romney.  5pm KNX reported Romney’d written an 1100 word victory speech, and no concession speech – lots of confidence among his team & internals.  6:30pm electoral vote count tied at 152 each.  7:44 Romney 174, Obama 162, VA likely for Obama, but still early, and pr...

Ann's "Closing Argument"

"With only 3 days until Election Day I hope you will take a few minutes to view these videos and share them with your friends. They embody the enthusiasm that Mitt and I have the privilege of experiencing every day on the road, meeting Americans who are ready for a real change and a real recovery. This isn't just a campaign anymore -- it's a national movement. People across the nation are tired of excuses and failed policies. My husband is ready for the challenge of leading this nation and turning things around so that our children and grandchildren won't be saddled with the debt of our bad decisions. Americans know we can do better. Mitt Romney is a man with a vision, bold ideas and real solutions. A man who is ready to lead. Please contribute $15 so we can keep the momentum going....

Mitt's "Closing Argument"

A final message from Mitt Romney before the election: "This Tuesday is a moment to look into the future and imagine what we can do. This is much more than our moment. It is America's moment of renewal and purpose and optimism. As president, I won't just represent one party, I'll represent one nation. I'll try to show the best of America, at a time when only our best will do. I hope you will take a moment to listen to my closing argument. Click here to watch the speech and please contribute today. Thank you for your support, Mitt Romney And and in another message from the Romney campaign: "Despite what the Obama campaign wants you to believe, early voting results show President Obama doesn't have an advantage over Governor Romney. In fact, Mitt currently leads Barack Obama 52% to 45% among voters who have already cast their ballots. Poll after poll reports Mitt leading among independents -- and 2.5 million independent...