Presidents' Day, SOU & Rubio, Media, Budget & Dr. Carson

Presidents’ Day As has become somewhat of a personal tradition, one of my Presidents’ Day activities was patriotically working on my tax returns. Got to keep our government solvent, at least for a while longer. Although more and more it seems like pouring money into a black hole. And lest anyone take that racially, I do have an astronomy blog, and know whereof I speak. While engaging in that tax-paying tradition, I look forward to being entertained by 2 radio shows that also have a Presidents’ Day tradition. Michael Medved highlights certain presidents, and today it was the worst presidents in U.S. history – Buchanan, Johnson, Hoover , Carter. And no doubt also soon to be welcomed into the ranks – Barack Obama. Then Hugh Hewitt had a history expert go through all the presidents briefly, including shining stars like Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Grant, Coolidge (surprisingly), Eisenhower (also surprisingly) and Reagan. State ...