
Showing posts from March, 2013

The Boy Scout Membership Issue

You may recall that not long ago, the U.S. Supreme Court decided in favor of Boy Scouts of America's right to have its own membership policy regarding openly gay homosexuals (basically "don't ask, don't tell," as had been in the military).  But apparently, 2 CEOs sitting on the BSA national board have recently been (along with gay activists) pushing to change that policy from within.  Over the past few weeks, BSA-registered adults & parents of registered boys have been sent a survey on their feelings regarding various real-life scenarios pertaining to the current policy.   For more on the survey, you can Google "Voice of the Scout."  From a Scouting Magazine blog describing the survey (  "If  you are a current member and you have not received a survey, you may visit  this link  to register your me...