
Showing posts from April, 2013

Political Strategies, Thatcher RIP, Sequestration, Budget, Korea

CPAC & Campaign Workshop At CPAC, Romney humbly said we need to learn from our & his mistakes, and take back the country.  An interesting contrast to Obama’s arrogance.  Speaking of that learning, on Feb. 9 I attended an all-day campaign workshop given in L.A. by the Leadership Institute of Washington, D.C. ( ) to sharpen the skills of candidates, campaign managers, staffers & activists (I now count myself in the latter category).  Some very experienced presenters from the recent presidential campaign, and some who’d been in the business for over 30 years.  I took 10 pages of notes, on the modules that were titled:  campaign structure & organization, managing volunteers, strategic research, voter ID and targeting, building coalitions, developing your message, public relations & earned media, keys to precinct organization, door-to-door, phones, basics of online activism, keys to election day,...