Anniversaries Yield Contrasts

Anniversaries of two U.S. historical events occurred this week – the 150 th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address, and the 50 th anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination. Both offer insights and contrasts relevant to today. The Gettysburg Address Bret Stephens, in the Wall Street Journal ( - Bret Stephens: From 'Four Score' to 'Yes We Can!' ), points out Obama’s hubris and use of various symbols of, and references to, Lincoln to draw comparisons with himself. Of course we have no one alive who can say they knew Lincoln , that he was a friend of theirs, but that “Mr. Obama, you are no Lincoln .” But Stephens points out, in addition to the failings of his signature Obamacare, domestic economics, foreign policy, etc., Obama & Lincoln are worlds apart in the area of “the president’s once-celebrated prose.” “ Abraham Lincoln spoke greatly because he read wisely and thought deeply. He turned to Shakespeare, he once said, ...