Russian & Hamas missiles; Romney was Right

Russian Imperialism The surface-to-air missile (SAM) shoot-down of the Malaysian Airlines passenger jet over eastern Ukraine with 298 aboard from many nations is just another consequence of a series of both U.S. foreign policy ineptness & lack of leadership, as well as adventurism by various bad guys around the world. And the two go together – when we leave a vacuum, they’re more than happy to fill it. I’m still catching up after several months of hiatus. I’d meant to comment during the Sochi Olympics, that there were already rumblings in the Ukraine (Russian-incited separatists & infiltrated, masked Russian special forces) that were clear to me would give the Russians their typical excuse for invasion (e.g., Afghanistan, Czechoslovakia,….). But of course they’d wait until after the closing ceremonies to make their move. I was going to blog that just as in the Disneyland commercials after the Super Bowl (where a victor is asked, “now that you...