
Showing posts from November, 2014

Political Apathy & Antipathy and the Role of Politics

“A pox on both their houses” – Perfection as a Standard for Political Action We have come through another contentious election.  But I think I have heard “A pox on both their houses” (speaking of partisan politics) one time too many to not respond.  People who find the rhetoric/methods/contention of politics distasteful disengage, justifying it by claiming to take the higher moral ground.  What does that solve?  Does that address the important issues, or leave it to the loud and distasteful, or those lacking in judgment or information?  Of course we can and should raise the quality of our political discourse – focusing more on issues than personal attacks -- which is difficult for the party whose character is incessantly maligned for political gain.  But when entire parties and positions are dismissed out of hand, or the entire political process, because of the words or actions of some who claim to represent various parties, or because contention...