A Tale of Two Debates, Boots on the Ground, Russia & Benghazi

Contents The GOP Debate The Democrat Debate Other Political Benghazi Hearing Russia on the Move Boots on the Ground GOP Debate Transcript Excerpts The GOP Debate The CU Boulder venue for the GOP debate on Oct. 28 was an interesting choice. Besides being my graduate alma mater, it is a bastion of liberalism – long known as “Berkeley East.” They’ll have to bus in any GOP audience, or anyone besides pot-head hippies, although a number of seats have been reserved for students. Remember that Ward Churchill is on the faculty. Being in the sciences, I avoided such types. The CNBC host predictably chose liberal moderators, including another connection I have – John Harwood (my middle name, no doubt related), who works for both CNBC & the New York Times. And as expected there were plenty of “gotchas” and promotion of mudslinging. Interesting that the summer of Trump seems to already be fading, as Carson pulls into the l...