Trump & Rubio in the Balance and Doing the Math

1. Recap of Primary & Debate News 2. Why not Trump? 3. Do the Math 4. Why Rubio? 5. Democrats, Socialists & Republicans Recap of Primary & Debate News Iowa . Looks like it was basically a 3-way GOP tie in Iowa, with Rubio making a surprisingly strong showing -- voters are finally getting to know him, after the distractions of the loud, shiny frontrunners. And Trump was shown to be beatable. Rubio's speech was presidential -- articulate, visionary and heartfelt. Finally the Summer & Fall of Trump appears to be over. So the Iowa "carcases" are Paul, Bush, Christie, Kasich, Fiorina, Carson & Huckabee (who just dropped out officially), each getting 1-5%. On the Democrat side, an even tighter tie between Hillary & the dinosaur Socialist, which shows how disliked Hillary is, and/or how far Left the party has gone. For what it's worth, putt...