Cryin’ Donald, Contested Conventions & Real Enemies

Contents Primary Update Cryin’ Donald Contested or “Brokered” Conventions Trump’s Character The Real Enemies Trump’s “Conservative Credentials” Primary Update Since my last post, Rubio has dropped out. After a week of malaise, I decided that I must back Cruz – not only to stop Trump who would be a disaster, but because Cruz is the most principled, conservative, constitutional candidate left in the race. And so I have contributed to his campaign, and applied to be a convention delegate for California, supporting him. My new slogan: “Dump Trump, and Choose Cruz!” Finally, in Utah, an educated electorate – Cruz got 70% of the vote. And Utah is the per capita best-educated, and principled. Of the 2472 total delegates to be won, 1723 have been selected in 35 state primaries so far (as of April 23). Trump has 845, or 49% of them, and would need 392 more to reach the 1237 threshold to avoid a contested convention....