The Very Presumptive/Presumptuous Nominee, and 3rd Party Gambit -- Touché!

Contents 1. 4/27/16 Hopes Still High 2. 5/3/16 Day of the Indiana Primary – Trump Trash 3. Cruz Drops Out 4. What Now? 5. 5/4/16 Prager, Kristol & Hannity Weigh In 6. 5/5/16 Paul Ryan & the “Presumptive” Nominee 7. On the Democrat Side Executive Summary In this post (including 39 political cartoons to help the medicine go down) I discuss a momentous week, from elevated hopes with Cruz picking Carly as running mate, to the Indiana primary that resulted in the despair of Cruz & Kasich dropping out. With Trump now the “presumptive nominee,” I discuss the dilemma of whether to support such a deficient and left-leaning character. A choice between the indecent and the unindicted. Is it possible to...