
Showing posts from October, 2016

A Civil War Analogy for Those not Planning to Vote for Trump

A Civil War analogy for this election. Especially for those reluctant or not planning to vote for Trump. "The speech that rekindled loyalty and arguably won the US Civil War... Was not the Gettysburg address, it was the speech that Colonel Chamberlain gave to a large group of deserters that had been given to him the day before the biggest battle of the entire war. He desperately needed them to join his Northern Maine regiment for the upcoming battle." " that battle many historians agree that it was Colonel Chamberlain’s holding of Little Round Top that won the day, and was the turning point in the whole war, in favor of the North." Robert E. Lee carried with him terms of Union surrender to take to Lincoln in Washington if he won the battle. By the time of the battle, Col. Joshua Chamberlain’s Maine regiment had been reduced from 1000 at the beginning of the war to less than 300. The 120 Maine deserters from another regiment had suffered terribly in b...

Democrat Hypocrisy & Projection in Trump Attacks, Leftist Tactics

The hypocrisy and projection of the Democrats is unbearable. 2 points especially, recently. First, they make a big deal about Trump being too dangerous to be trusted with nuclear codes. But Hillary disclosed, in front of many tens of millions of debate viewers, what apparently is a highly classified bit of information regarding our nuclear response times. Of course she did it to show how knowledgeable she is. And weeks before, vice president Biden, in a public speech, pointed out the man who was carrying the nuclear “football” (communication device) – again, something that is no doubt highly classified. And Hillary has shown through her use of her private server for official, and sometimes classified, information, “extreme carelessness,” according to the FBI director. Carelessness that put lives at risk, and possibly cost lives. And now we see a video message that Hillary produced to encourage her State Department employees to be vigilant in adhering to prescribed computer secur...

The First Presidential Debate & VP Debate

9/26/16 1 st Presidential Debate Hillary clearly prepped for the debate to come across as calm and condescending while pushing Trump’s buttons.  He stayed measured & civil for the first half hour, then began to get more emotional and defensive.  My “fact-check” or counters in brackets [ ].  Hillary repeatedly claimed to have the facts on her website, smirked at Trump. Jobs & Economy C.: Need lots of new jobs [how?  Obama’s policies destroyed jobs], fairer pay, profit-sharing [destroy more jobs?], child care. T: Stop jobs from going abroad, lower business taxes, and renegotiate trade deals. C: Trump’s plan is “Trumped up” trickle-down.  Trump was fortunate [she’s not w. wealth from public service?] T: H. hasn’t done anything about bad trade deals in all her yrs. in government. C: Worst crisis 8 yrs. ago due to less regulations [no, too much – forcing lenders to do sub-prime loans] T: Can’t rebuild jobs w. $20Trillion in national ...

Obama as Topper, Trump Tape & Evan McMullin?

Some of my recent Facebook Posts & exchanges: Oct. 1:  Examples of Obama's strategy of “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun:" 1. (Small) Arms for hostages (Iran/Contra under Reagan) vs Nukes for hostages (Obama/Clinton Iran nuclear & hostage deals) 2. Increase in National Debt: $5 Trillion under Bush, $10 Trillion under Obama 3. Recession recovery:  Reagan’s recovered all jobs lost in 36 months, but after 67 months of Obama’s, we still haven’t recovered all the jobs lost, and in fact we’ve lost millions (after 67 months, Reagan had added 10 million).  Reagan’s GDP growth after 5 ½ yrs. was 20%, Obama’s 3%.  “ Middle class incomes have continued to fall during Obama’s recovery, losing even more ground than during the recession.  The number in poverty has also continued to soar during Obama’s supposed recovery, to about 50 million, the most in the more than 50 years that Census has been tracking poverty, with the pove...

Wikileaks Emails -- a Window into Progressive Views on Religion

The extent of anti-religious bigotry and progressive social engineering efforts into churches by key staff of the Clinton campaign has been revealed in recent Wikileaks emails. Beyond our health care, our education, our speech, our business regulation, our diets…. now they are plotting to subvert, infiltrate and foment revolution in our religions, to remake them in their image, instead of the image of God. They seem to fancy themselves modern-day Constantines. They fundamentally misunderstand and/or resent the concept of a higher authority than themselves – revealed religion -- thinking churches are just another social institution to be democratized and manipulated, just like everything else. Most churches and religions do try to keep faith with a higher law and authority. (Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoug...