The Thrill of Victory (“Shellacking’” Part II), and Agony of Defeat – A Bullet Dodged

The “Shellacking’” Part 2 Following is a log of my Facebook posts, with dates and times – beginning on election evening, and aftermath posts, exchanges, and commentary. Nov 8 6:50pm: So far, so good, this election night. No matter how it turns out, I'm loving it seeing the shock of the ABC crew at how close it is in many states Hillary was thought to do better in, and how well Trump is doing generally, especially in the battleground states. Interesting that they're noting a divide largely by rural vs urban America. 7:42: New York Times projection: 91% chance Trump wins. Panic in the Democrat camp. Pre-election odds were something like 75% for Hillary. 7:45: Trump has won Ohio & North Carolina! And winning Florida. 8:08: Florida called for Trump. Hillary's path to 270 now more questionable than Trump's. 8:10: Utah for Trump. 8:20: The GOP is holding the Senate & House. 8:30: The Blue Wall has been broken -- Wisconsi...