Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming

I was recently reminded of the climate debate when seeing a trailer for Al Gore’s sequel to his alarmist climate movie, and shouts in the theater both against & for. We continue to hear that “97 percent of scientists agree” on the causes & consequences of climate change -- that recent and projected climate change is significantly man-made and dangerous. Many or most uninformed people probably take these loud voices at face value, without digging deeper as to the validity of that figure, and in the face of vague statements, asking where exactly consensus lies. And assume they must either agree with the worst case projections and proscribed policies or be branded science deniers. “…the climate science establishment has become intolerant to disagreement and debate, and is attempting to marginalize and de-legitimize dissent as corrupt or ignorant.” This has the intended result of "herding" -- among the general public, but also to some extent among...