2017 April to May Miscellaneous

Again, I am catching up after a few months of blog inactivity. Following is a chronological collection of notes and Facebook posts. They include: Successful US ICBM interceptor test to counter N. Korean threats, Trump's trip to Saudi Arabia, Israel & Europe, a few posts regarding the Left's attempts to silence conservative speech in America, confirmation of media bias against Trump & the GOP, Poland's prime minister berating Europe for being soft on terrorism & immigration, CNN not innocent of its own harassment, Trump innocent of leaking intel sources, division in America, more revealed on the terrible Iran deal, climate change science vs policy, North Korea's belligerent missile tests & the different China & Russia responses, the MOAB bomb in Afghanistan, Democrats and the Nazi & fascist cards, Gorsuch's Supreme Court confirmation and my Facebook interchange with a Trump detractor, the US missile strike against the Syrian air base t...