2017 June

This blog post covers various thoughts and Facebook posts during June & early July, 2017 . It includes: the shooting of Republican congressmen, patriotic books for the 4 th of July, real world examples of bad liberal/progressive/Leftist policies (poor cities, the “Ponzi” party, and minimum wage hikes), real fake news (Trump-Russia conspiracy), Democrat demonizations of conservatives, Bono on radical Leftism & capitalism, Maxine Waters town hall & chant for Trump impeachment, “The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity & Islam,” US shoot downs of Syrian aircraft, Otto Warmbier’s death at the hands of N. Korea, clear media bias and war on Trump, increasingly vitriolic language on the Left, 50 th anniversary of Israel’s 6-day war, leaks from the “deep state” including Comey’s, Prager University short videos on building the wall, climate change & the Paris climate accord, the fascism of the illiberal Left, & the inconvenient truth about the Democrat...