2017 July

8/8/17 North Korea Supposedly during the Obama administration N. Korea was years away from weaponizing their nukes, and ICBM’s. Now, suddenly, according to the news, their recent ICBM test could have reached anywhere in the US, and they have 60 miniaturized, weaponized nuclear warheads to go on them. So Obama conveniently kicked the can down the road, and basically did nothing. Bill Clinton touted how great a deal he’d brokered thru Jimmy Carter with N. Korea, giving them billions to develop peaceful nuclear power with the assurance they wouldn’t develop weapons. Laughable. Just like Obama’s Iran nuclear deal, where many more billions of dollars were given, and kicked the can down the road just a bit. But after decades of trying limited sanctions and diplomacy, putting up with N. Korea’s threats, at some point, and this is that point, the bill comes due. It would have been easier to deal with it earlier, than now when they have nu...