
Showing posts from October, 2017

An Open Letter to ABC Good Morning America & the NFL -- Boycott Them

I’ve been a viewer of GMA for many years (over 30 – since Joan Lunden & David Hartman), but that ended Monday, Sept. 25, 2017 – a month ago.  While entertaining and somewhat informative (I rely on other sources for more balance), I have long put up with occasionally clear political bias.  But your coverage that morning of the NFL protests was too much to stomach, and drove me over my threshold for tolerance.  I could just as well watch MSNBC for that kind of coverage.  I have now been watching the CBS morning program, because CBS had the courage to fire a VP who made such despicable remarks about the Las Vegas shooting victims.  I will never patronize anyone who contributes to legitimizing those who dishonor or threaten those brave protectors of society, who for instance performed so well in the Las Vegas shootings.    I seriously doubt anyone at ABC will take the time to read or understand my reasoning because you are comfortable in ...

A Las Vegas Shooting Victim Story, and What to Do?

One sad story from the Las Vegas shooting is a young local (Manhattan Beach) middle school special ed teacher, Sandy Casey, photo below.  She leaves behind a fiancée, family, many colleagues at her school, and a whole class of special ed students.  It would be difficult for even normal students to process, but as the Daily Breeze reported, a former colleague said “Some of them are going to be the least able to process it because of their challenges.”  Multiply that ripple effect by the some 60 dead and over 500 injured – over 40 still in critical condition, so some more may die. Truly an evil act by one depraved individual.  But the many stories emerging of heroic and selfless acts to save others, and the outpouring of love and support by the Las Vegas and broader community shows the greater goodness.  These types of events of course beg the question of what can be done.  Predictably, immediately Hillary Clinton and the Left focus on the guns and b...