Jerusalem Recognized
After 70 years, it is finally time to state the obvious. The nay-sayers can show no improvement in the peace process with the former policies that only bowed to fear of threats of violence, bolstering that threat mentality. Enemies of Israel of course see it as another indication of the permanence and recognition of Israel, which they vehemently and violently oppose. Trump's speech offered an olive branch to a Palestinian state, whose capital he would likewise recognize. B ut they've been offered a two-state solution a number of times, and would rather continue to wage hate and war for a single-state solution (Palestinian only -- no Israel). And the rest of the world is apparently cowed or propagandized into going along with them -- e.g., the BDS movement. The most democratic, tolerant, multi-cultural, multi-faith, fair, & open society in the region is stigmatized for defending itself against enemies all around who vow it's utter destruction, and have attempted it...