The School Shooting & Aftermath -- Emotion vs Reason & Real Solutions

“Never let a crisis go to waste” – Rahm Emanuel (Obama administration). In the wake of the terrible Florida school shooting, the Left and media have rarely been more diligent in executing that philosophy. They have played on, fanned, financed, fed script and selectively given voice to raw emotions. Many of these poor students have only heard in the media and from some parents that gun legislation is the only solution, and that the NRA (& GOP) is the enemy – truly demonized. So naturally they direct their anger there. And their anger is real, and intense – no one argues with that. But emotions and hysteria are the enemies of reason and real solutions to a more complex and multi-faceted problem. They foster mob mentality (someone shouted "burn her" at the NRA representative at the CNN town hall) and stage one thinking – knee-jerk solutions the Left typically uses for many problems, like throwing money at them – solutions that over the years have proven failures. ...