Blaming Trump, Incivility, Kashoggi, Kanye, Etc.

10/27/18 The Absurdity of Blaming Trump for Everything The Left (including media) are very presumptuous that Trump caused one nut job to mail bombs to prominent Democrats, or another to shoot up a synagogue. And that if only he changed his tone, all would be well. They claim to all be psychoanalysts or clairvoyants, attributing causes, although they are equally sure the Bernie Sanders supporter who shot up a ball diamond full of GOP congressmen was not Bernie’s fault. Of course we know that widespread Trump derangement causes one to look constantly for another reason to impeach him, however far the stretch, and to tout one’s moral superiority , and demonize all opponents. My sense is that many or most Leftists/Democrats really don’t know anyone who they are aware of who voted for Trump, or the real reasons – partly because conservatives are often more reserved about it precisely because of the uncivility and brutality of the Left. And so th...