Obama the Car Czar (& Insurance & Bank & ...)
Lesson #2 in Obamaspeak, or for those familiar with the novel 1984 , “New speak.” “The U.S. government has no interest in running GM.” What this really means is, that after the government bails GM out and takes a controlling interest , it is vitally interested in who runs the company – to the point of ousting the CEO; and regulating their executives’ pay, the trips they can take, and modes of transportation on trips; and mandating the kinds of cars they can make, and where, and approving/disapproving restructuring plans; and taking over their warranties. Let this be a lesson to anyone considering taking money from the government. There is life after bankruptcy, and things worse than “death” – but those of little faith are willing rather to “live” in slavery. And so Patrick Henry’s idealism (“Give me liberty or give me death!”) falls by the wayside. This is the “change” we were promised. Obama is maintaining overgenerous union contracts intact, at the expense of the company, jobs ...