Comrade Obama & Obamaspeak

Jonathan Garthwaite is keeping track of Obama’s broken campaign promises, and is up to 104 with this one reported in the NY Times: He’s spending political capital as fast as economic capital, and will hopefully run out of the former before the latter.

Obama’s appearance on Leno the other night seemed somehow apropos, with his performance as president being somewhat a joke so far -- literally at our expense. Besides his well-publicized special Olympics gaffe, he said “people need to get back to where we know that ‘enough is enough.’” No doubt referring to the AIG bonus controversy, but certainly applicable to Obama’s & congress’ incredible deficit spending rates. They have already in 60 days committed to double the entire national debt within 5 years, and now the OMB projects $1 trillion more deficit over 5 years than the White House estimates. Perhaps you’ve heard of the “tea parties” being held across the country, reminiscent of that first one in Boston in 1775. Taxation with poor representation.

Chris Dodd it turns out admits to being the one who included the provision for AIG bonuses in the original bailout legislation. He was complicit w. Barney Franks in the sub-prime mortgage fiasco that started the whole economic meltdown. And they keep getting re-elected? They should be drafting cyclists, not legislation. They are two of the biggest demagogues about abuses. Speaking of which, after all of Obama’s moral outrage over the bonuses, at the press conference today he said it’s “time to stop demonizing everyone who makes a profit.” Can this really be the end to his class warfare, or just another superficial attempt to halt the declines in his polls & Wall Street? My money’s on the latter.

Trying to shore up that decline, at least among his base, at his Southern California townhalls last week he warned and braced them that people will be calling him a spendthrift and typical tax-and-spend liberal Democrat. Just another indication that he has only just begun to spend, and has no intention of letting up, despite the growing resistance, even within his own party. His prophetic powers are astounding, if only self-fulfilling.

As reported in the Orange County Register, Russian president Vladimir Putin, speaking at the Davos world economic conference in Switzerland last month, warned against "excessive intervention in economic activity and blind faith in the state's omnipotence............In the 20th century, the soviet union made the state's role absolute. In the long run, this made the Soviet economy totally uncompetitive. This lesson cost us dearly. I am sure nobody wants to see it repeated" Except of course comrade Obama. Pretty sad when the Russians are lecturing us on the subject. Not to be outdone, as just reported by the AP, "The head of the European Union slammed President Barack Obama's plan to spend nearly $2 trillion to push the U.S. economy out of recession as "the road to hell" that EU governments must avoid."

We are beginning to learn in context how to translate Obamaspeak – worthy of “1984.” When he says “I get it,” or “I hear you,” he really means he hears what you’re complaining about, and knows that you resent it, but “you poor, dumb jerk can’t possibly know what’s good for the country, and I don’t care what you think, so I’m going to keep on doing what I know is best. And besides, by saying “I get it,” followed by a long verbal train that somewhere gets derailed, I know that most of you will probably think that I intended to do something about it to satisfy you, but you’ll get lost in the long verbal train wreck.”


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