Peace in Korea After 68 Years?

I was a Korean War baby, so the war has technically never ended for my entire life. Not to count the chickens before they've hatched, but this is heady stuff -- at least apparently the closest we've been in 68 years. It reminds me of the reunification of Germany. Of course it took some initiative by the S. Korean leader, and maybe the nuclear threats by the North to wake us all up. But surely the change from decades of pussycat diplomacy to "Fire and fury" by president Trump also woke up Kim. That, maybe together with the tightening sanctions, increasing defections, and Trump's saying that Kim was on a suicide mission -- I think he realized that the path he was on was just that. And the Korean Olympics was also timely.

But with all their subterfuges and broken promises of the past, the standard for verification of denuclearization and peaceful intent needs to be much higher before any relaxation of sanctions, signing peace accords, demobilization, etc. And release of the American political prisoners/hostages.

If it comes off, it will be interesting to watch how such polar opposites come together -- truly a Yin and Yang. Maybe the North can beat some of it's military swords into industrial plowshares which the South already has in abundance. If the borders truly open, and if the North doesn't make dramatic changes, there will be a flood into the south. Almost an invasion in itself -- hopefully not 5th column.  But if the South (& other investors) build plants in the North, there's a lot of potentially cheap labor there.

I agree with Trump that it's laughable that some former US leaders are apparently now trying to give Trump advice on dealing with the N. Koreans -- after all of them failed even to get this far. And remember, we're talking about the guy who wrote "The Art of the Deal." I think he's a lot smarter than many on the Left want to give him credit for. And certainly his accomplishments so far speak for themselves. If it comes off, he will be much more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than his predecessor with his lack of any real accomplishments during his first year -- or really his entire two terms. I also have great admiration for his new Secretary of State, John Bolton. Between him and Mattis as Secretary of Defense, I think we're in a stronger and safer position.


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