
Showing posts from May, 2009

The Tax Revolt Begins, Liberalism Meets Reality & the Trump Card

The Tax Revolt Begins There may yet be hope for the bluest state (California), and by induction the rest of the country, when the voters finally showed some fiscal responsibility the other day. The small turnout may have been due to ballot fatigue, but those who care and voted clearly had done their homework to see through the deceptive smokescreens endorsed by the LA Times, etc., and the 7-to-1 funding of ads. They resoundingly (2 to 1) showed they want no more burdensome state taxes (already the highest in the nation, and driving wealth-creators out of state), with some of the poorest services (education, infrastructure, etc.). And they want no more deceptive smokescreen propositions crafted by sly legislators who endlessly go for band-aid solutions that are shell games, gambles and borrowing against the future. Doesn’t that sound like Obama’s national approach? And so it’s back to the drawing board (or dart board?) for the legislators. Not that they got the message, or have an...

Nazis and Fascists and Spineless, Oh My!

If I hear conservatives called Nazis & fascists again I think I’ll literally scream to straighten them out. If it’s a witch-hunt they want, it is the current liberals in power and their henchmen who are using the brown-shirt, fascist tactics described in the previous 2 posts, including the “Gangster Government” tactics used in the Chrysler bailout. “Nazi” is an abbreviation for the German “National Sozialisten” – national socialists. It is the Obama administration that is implementing national socialism. Hitler came to power with the people thirsting for promises of change, mesmerizing articulate speeches, and enthralled with his image & personality. Sound like anyone you know today? Hitler found scapegoats aplenty, too – just like Obama’s greedy capitalist profiteers, the previous administration, or evil conservative spokesmen/women who dare oppose. Liberal/leftist Obama supporters and their flunkies largely control the media propaganda machine nearly as completely and ...

Gangster Government & Crony Capitalism

Michael Barone, in the Detroit News, May 11, quoted bankruptcy lawyer Tom Lauria on a WJR talk show, "One of my clients," Lauria told host Frank Beckmann, "was directly threatened by the White House and in essence compelled to withdraw its opposition to the deal under threat that the full force of the White House press corps would destroy its reputation if it continued to fight." “Lauria represented one of the bondholder firms, Perella Weinberg, which initially rejected the President Barack Obama deal that would give the bondholders about 33 cents on the dollar for their secured debts while giving the United Auto Workers retirees about 50 cents on the dollar for their unsecured debts. “This, of course, is a violation of one of the basic principles of bankruptcy law, which is that secured creditors -- those who lent money only on the contractual promise that if the debt was unpaid they'd get specific property back -- get paid off in full before unsecured creditor...

... And 1360 Days to Go

The Empire Strikes Back The left’s disinformation assault machine is hard at work trying to vilify, marginalize and silence any conservative, moderating influence that might slow their steamrolling agenda. Ms. Garafallo says the only possible explanation for the tea parties is racism against Obama! Hmmm, I don’t seem to recall conservative lynchings of Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, Condy Rice, J.C. Watts, Michael Steele, Larry Elder, etc. But apparently politically correct name-calling trumps or supplants logical argument in liberalism. Surely there could be no rational arguments against the great Obama’s policies? And surely there could only be vile motives in opposing him? The tea party participants were also called extremists, radicals, subversives, and revolutionaries by the media. So, too were the perpetrators of the original Boston Tea Party, in the face of economic tyranny. More and more we hear the terms Nazi and fascist thrown in the face of conservatives. Odd that li...