The Tax Revolt Begins, Liberalism Meets Reality & the Trump Card

The Tax Revolt Begins There may yet be hope for the bluest state (California), and by induction the rest of the country, when the voters finally showed some fiscal responsibility the other day. The small turnout may have been due to ballot fatigue, but those who care and voted clearly had done their homework to see through the deceptive smokescreens endorsed by the LA Times, etc., and the 7-to-1 funding of ads. They resoundingly (2 to 1) showed they want no more burdensome state taxes (already the highest in the nation, and driving wealth-creators out of state), with some of the poorest services (education, infrastructure, etc.). And they want no more deceptive smokescreen propositions crafted by sly legislators who endlessly go for band-aid solutions that are shell games, gambles and borrowing against the future. Doesn’t that sound like Obama’s national approach? And so it’s back to the drawing board (or dart board?) for the legislators. Not that they got the message, or have an...