The Tax Revolt Begins, Liberalism Meets Reality & the Trump Card
The Tax Revolt Begins
There may yet be hope for the bluest state (California), and by induction the rest of the country, when the voters finally showed some fiscal responsibility the other day. The small turnout may have been due to ballot fatigue, but those who care and voted clearly had done their homework to see through the deceptive smokescreens endorsed by the LA Times, etc., and the 7-to-1 funding of ads. They resoundingly (2 to 1) showed they want no more burdensome state taxes (already the highest in the nation, and driving wealth-creators out of state), with some of the poorest services (education, infrastructure, etc.). And they want no more deceptive smokescreen propositions crafted by sly legislators who endlessly go for band-aid solutions that are shell games, gambles and borrowing against the future. Doesn’t that sound like Obama’s national approach?
And so it’s back to the drawing board (or dart board?) for the legislators. Not that they got the message, or have anything but condescension & disdain for the electorate. They despicably threatened layoffs of the most essential public workers to scare the public into voting for their schemes. How about starting with the least productive, non-essential workers in the bloated state payroll (with golden parachutes), just like is happening all over the country in businesses everywhere tightening their belts in this recession? Why does the teachers union scream bloody murder that a couple percent may be furloughed, when the general unemployment is over 10 percent? Does being union make one untouchable and above the rest? It would be most beneficial if we could fire the entire legislature and start from scratch, but due to the artful Democrat gerrymandering throughout California, unfortunately things likely wouldn’t change much. And who knows, with our “wonderful” state supreme court, the will of the people could be once again overturned, as they did with Prop 22, necessitating Prop 8.
Then again, the great benefactor, that modern Robin Hood Obama, could come riding up with bailout relief money (and lots of strings attached), raising taxes even further all across the country. Just spreading the blessings. I forget his name, but there’s a British M.P. who’s unflinchingly been ripping into P.M. Brown’s Obama-like economic policies – a voice crying in the wilderness. And finally it’s sounding like Michael Steele & Dick Cheney have found their voices.

Liberalism Meets Reality
It would seem that the all-wise Obama is having some epiphanies and reversals. Now he will go along with Bush’s military tribunals for the Gitmo detainees. Now he will not release the enhanced interrogation photos, because that might inflame our enemies and put our soldiers in danger. It would have been nice if he’d realized that was a good reason not to release parts of the memos describing the techniques. Apparently the military advisors are finally shouting louder in his ear than the leftist wackos, and that’s what it takes to get through to him. And now even the Democrat Congress has declined approval/funding for closing Gitmo until/unless Obama comes up with a plan for where the prisoners will go. Golly gee, maybe Bush really DID have some good reasons for those things he did, after all! Maybe he and his advisors weren’t as dumb or sinister as the left & media would have us believe.
Apparently not only Obama, but Nancy Pelosi also is trying to close Pandora’s box (interrogation memos release, CIA accusations), after having opened it. Nancy just kept digging herself in deeper with every statement – “I was informed by one of my staff that they had been briefed on it.” Finally, facing the prospects of further humiliation in a fight or hearings with the CIA, she pulled the trump card of “getting back to more important issues like the economy, healthcare, etc.,” and refuses to answer any more questions on the matter. Of course that’s not important at all – whether or not the CIA misled Congress in a matter of national security. Sounds like drive-by politics – throw a grenade then run like crazy if you’ve got nothing to back it up. Works for gangs, and gangster politicians.
Obama slapped N. Korea’s hands once again after another nuclear bomb test, telling them “naughty, naughty!” That kind of rhetoric has been used before, and look where we are now. And we’ve already implemented every sanction available. Presumably we can expect the same approach when Iran tests its first nuclear bomb. And of course Obama’s solution is elimination of all nuclear weapons. Boy, they’ll sure have more incentive to get rid of theirs after the rest of us have gotten rid of ours! Just one well-placed N. Korean nuke on one of their recently tested ICBM’s could ruin our whole country’s day. After the electromagnetic pulse from a high-altitude burst, you and the rest of the lower 48 would no longer be reading this or any other blog, driving your cars, doing electronic transactions, telephoning, watching TV, listening to radio, etc., etc. Back to the 19th century. Aren't you glad that President Obama has dramatically cut development of our missile defense program, in the face of all the continuing N. Korean missile tests, also?
The Trump Card
It now appears that beauty contestants stick together, speaking of Miss California (runner-up to Miss USA) and Pres. Obama. After she lost (her gay marriage comments possibly a factor), there was a great hue and cry to hound her further than her gay inquisitor did on YouTube. Efforts to take her state crown, discredit her (photos, etc.) – a Calif. official saying shame on a conservative organization for using her image and statement. Where was their indignation at the judge’s YouTube propaganda for the other side, or disqualifying/dissociating him from the pageant? Once again, Christians are fair game, and gay activists are the untouchables. The only thing apparently that saved her was when the Trump card was played (by its namesake) – the great Obama holds the same opinion on marriage. Any lesser mortal’s opinion would not suffice. Yes, in a rare redeeming feature of his own beauty contest, he had given the same answer. But there was no vicious attack on him. Again, the double standard, and fair game – Christians, including especially Mormons.
And finally, a tribute to our fallen heros, who’ve given their all for our freedoms.
There may yet be hope for the bluest state (California), and by induction the rest of the country, when the voters finally showed some fiscal responsibility the other day. The small turnout may have been due to ballot fatigue, but those who care and voted clearly had done their homework to see through the deceptive smokescreens endorsed by the LA Times, etc., and the 7-to-1 funding of ads. They resoundingly (2 to 1) showed they want no more burdensome state taxes (already the highest in the nation, and driving wealth-creators out of state), with some of the poorest services (education, infrastructure, etc.). And they want no more deceptive smokescreen propositions crafted by sly legislators who endlessly go for band-aid solutions that are shell games, gambles and borrowing against the future. Doesn’t that sound like Obama’s national approach?
And so it’s back to the drawing board (or dart board?) for the legislators. Not that they got the message, or have anything but condescension & disdain for the electorate. They despicably threatened layoffs of the most essential public workers to scare the public into voting for their schemes. How about starting with the least productive, non-essential workers in the bloated state payroll (with golden parachutes), just like is happening all over the country in businesses everywhere tightening their belts in this recession? Why does the teachers union scream bloody murder that a couple percent may be furloughed, when the general unemployment is over 10 percent? Does being union make one untouchable and above the rest? It would be most beneficial if we could fire the entire legislature and start from scratch, but due to the artful Democrat gerrymandering throughout California, unfortunately things likely wouldn’t change much. And who knows, with our “wonderful” state supreme court, the will of the people could be once again overturned, as they did with Prop 22, necessitating Prop 8.
Then again, the great benefactor, that modern Robin Hood Obama, could come riding up with bailout relief money (and lots of strings attached), raising taxes even further all across the country. Just spreading the blessings. I forget his name, but there’s a British M.P. who’s unflinchingly been ripping into P.M. Brown’s Obama-like economic policies – a voice crying in the wilderness. And finally it’s sounding like Michael Steele & Dick Cheney have found their voices.

Liberalism Meets Reality
It would seem that the all-wise Obama is having some epiphanies and reversals. Now he will go along with Bush’s military tribunals for the Gitmo detainees. Now he will not release the enhanced interrogation photos, because that might inflame our enemies and put our soldiers in danger. It would have been nice if he’d realized that was a good reason not to release parts of the memos describing the techniques. Apparently the military advisors are finally shouting louder in his ear than the leftist wackos, and that’s what it takes to get through to him. And now even the Democrat Congress has declined approval/funding for closing Gitmo until/unless Obama comes up with a plan for where the prisoners will go. Golly gee, maybe Bush really DID have some good reasons for those things he did, after all! Maybe he and his advisors weren’t as dumb or sinister as the left & media would have us believe.
Apparently not only Obama, but Nancy Pelosi also is trying to close Pandora’s box (interrogation memos release, CIA accusations), after having opened it. Nancy just kept digging herself in deeper with every statement – “I was informed by one of my staff that they had been briefed on it.” Finally, facing the prospects of further humiliation in a fight or hearings with the CIA, she pulled the trump card of “getting back to more important issues like the economy, healthcare, etc.,” and refuses to answer any more questions on the matter. Of course that’s not important at all – whether or not the CIA misled Congress in a matter of national security. Sounds like drive-by politics – throw a grenade then run like crazy if you’ve got nothing to back it up. Works for gangs, and gangster politicians.
Obama slapped N. Korea’s hands once again after another nuclear bomb test, telling them “naughty, naughty!” That kind of rhetoric has been used before, and look where we are now. And we’ve already implemented every sanction available. Presumably we can expect the same approach when Iran tests its first nuclear bomb. And of course Obama’s solution is elimination of all nuclear weapons. Boy, they’ll sure have more incentive to get rid of theirs after the rest of us have gotten rid of ours! Just one well-placed N. Korean nuke on one of their recently tested ICBM’s could ruin our whole country’s day. After the electromagnetic pulse from a high-altitude burst, you and the rest of the lower 48 would no longer be reading this or any other blog, driving your cars, doing electronic transactions, telephoning, watching TV, listening to radio, etc., etc. Back to the 19th century. Aren't you glad that President Obama has dramatically cut development of our missile defense program, in the face of all the continuing N. Korean missile tests, also?
The Trump Card
It now appears that beauty contestants stick together, speaking of Miss California (runner-up to Miss USA) and Pres. Obama. After she lost (her gay marriage comments possibly a factor), there was a great hue and cry to hound her further than her gay inquisitor did on YouTube. Efforts to take her state crown, discredit her (photos, etc.) – a Calif. official saying shame on a conservative organization for using her image and statement. Where was their indignation at the judge’s YouTube propaganda for the other side, or disqualifying/dissociating him from the pageant? Once again, Christians are fair game, and gay activists are the untouchables. The only thing apparently that saved her was when the Trump card was played (by its namesake) – the great Obama holds the same opinion on marriage. Any lesser mortal’s opinion would not suffice. Yes, in a rare redeeming feature of his own beauty contest, he had given the same answer. But there was no vicious attack on him. Again, the double standard, and fair game – Christians, including especially Mormons.
And finally, a tribute to our fallen heros, who’ve given their all for our freedoms.

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