Hillary, the Middle East, Free Speech, Race Relations, Religious Freedom & an Important Date
Hillary Clinton
As Charles Krauthammer pointed out, when Josh Ernest (White
House spokesman) says there’s “not a shred of evidence” that Hillary Clinton
influenced the uranium company sale to Russia, it's because the evidence has been
shredded – she selectively destroyed emails before turning over what she wanted
to the government. Now U.S. uranium may
be sent to Iran courtesy of Russia – and the Clintons – to be used in bombs
that may be used against Israel.
And Queen Hillary continues to dodge reporters’ questions,
considering herself either above the need to explain herself, or at a loss to
do so. After his many million-dollar
speaking fees, Bill Clinton explains he “has to pay the bills.” Of course he is the biggest Bill. The new book, Clinton Cash (http://www.thenewamerican.com/reviews/books/item/20931-clinton-cash-punches-through-bill-and-hillary-s-teflon-armor),
documents all kinds of questionable foreign donations to the Clintons, and
benefits that subsequently accrued to the donors. The clear quid-pro-quo needed for prosecution
seems always just beyond the very crafty Clintons, but the circumstantial
evidence is staggering.
The Middle East
Obama blames ISIS’ origin on Bush’s war in Iraq – “We need
to aim before we shoot.” No, bush
correctly predicted that a premature withdrawal, as Obama executed, would
result in exactly the results we’ve seen.
We need to “think before we withdraw.”
Of course the only thought Obama put into it was political.
Now ISIS has taken Ramadi, as well, after the many US lives
sacrificed to secure it. And yet the
Obama administration continues in a state of denial, and says we need not “light
our hair on fire every time there is a little reversal.” Yes, the U.S. “strategy” is working extremely
well – if it is to avoid further involvement.
Of course the consequences are another matter – for another president
& generation to deal with. Just as
for the economic consequences of the staggering debt incurred by this
It turns out that there was significant US (Obama
administration), European & Arab meddling in the Israel election to unseat
Netanyahu (Obama had made clear his disdain for Netanyahu). Only it backfired – there was a backlash that
gave the election to Netanyahu. But isn’t
it a little hypocritical of Obama to complain of foreign meddling in the U.S.
(Netanyahu’s speech to Congress)? Not to
mention all of the influence-buying by foreign government donations to the
Clinton foundation?
Free Speech
Finally, some on the Left are acknowledging the stifling of
free speech on campuses and the media by the Left. Kirsten Powers’ new book, The Silencing, describes how the Left is
killing free speech. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/05/24/interview-kirsten-powers-on-the-silencing-obama-normalized-lefts-anti-speech-mobs-with-attacks-on-fox-news/
The Left is no more in favor of freedom of speech than free
market capitalism. For good reason –
they have no confidence their ideas can compete in a free market of ideas. Take for instance the market share of Fox News vs. all the others combined. The fraction of conservative speakers invited
at graduations is miniscule, and even the few invited often are subsequently
shut out by protests (e.g., Condi Rice, Ann Coulter, etc.).
George Stephanopoulos, anchor on ABC, has been posing as an
objective reporter for years, after having served in the Clinton
administration. And now after the revelation
that he’s given huge sums to the Clinton Foundation, but portrayed himself as
objective in his critical interview of the “Clinton Cash” author, he was forced
to admit he should have disclosed it. Or
recused himself, as he also should have in the GOP debates – hardly asking
questions of importance or interest to the electorate, but rather self-serving
Democrat gotchas. But he’s only the tip
of the media iceberg.
Peggy Noonan points out how the “Trigger-Happy
Generation” is so self-indulgent on not being offended that they can’t
countenance free speech. http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-trigger-happy-generation-1432245600?mg=id-wsj
Race Relations
In the wake of the “Hands up, don’t shoot” false narrative,
more and more police continue to be targeted and assassinated. How about “Blue lives matter?” And law and order, vs anarchy? Far more black lives are saved from their
fellow blacks by police than ever taken by police under questionable
circumstances. And those questionable
circumstances always seem to involve resisting arrest.
Religious Freedom
Dennis Prager points out that the PC attacks on religious
freedom is an undoing of the American Revolution, which founded this country
expressly for the purpose of religious liberty.
The Democrats seem hypocritical – Bill Clinton signed a federal
religious freedom law, and until 2 years ago Hillary & Obama were against
gay marriage. And the Connecticut
governor’s state (he wanted to boycott Indiana for its religious freedom act)
has had the same basic law during his entire tenure, without his doing anything
about it.
But this is all in line with attacks on Christians
worldwide, and more violently by radical Islamists – ISIS & Boko Haram. Obama can’t bring himself to identify the
victims’ faith, or that of their attackers – just “random violence.” Like an ostrich burying his head in the sand –
and with the same results. And in the
U.S., gay activists attack Christians for their beliefs, but wouldn’t think of
attacking a Muslim cake maker or restaurant owner for not catering to a gay
wedding. And Hillary takes millions in
donations from regimes with horrible women and gay rights policies. They’re all gutless, opportunistic and
mercenary, claiming the moral high ground while groveling at the feet of the
worst offenders.
Christians are to forgive, but do have a right to defend
themselves physically and verbally. I,
for one, am offended when I see ads for the Book of Mormon musical that mocks
my religion – including at an elevator at work, where we go through endless
sensitivity and diversity training. And
I must be confronted in our lobbies with huge displays from the LGBT community. I work just fine with a couple of gay members
of a team I lead, but please don’t throw your lifestyle in my face, just like I
don’t throw my sentiments on the subject in theirs. But I don’t go out violently attacking those
who offend me. And I expect the same of
others. We all have the right to free
speech, but also in a civil society the obligation to be considerate of others.
From Prager University:
What was perhaps the most determinative date in
American history? July 4, 1776? Pearl Harbor? September 11? How about...July
28, 1588. Richard McMillan, Professor of History at Pierce College, explains
why that seemingly random date is so important. http://www.prageruniversity.com/History/Is-This-the-Most-Important-Date-in-US-History.html#.VWOnEU_BzRY
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