Some Dare Call it Treason
The Bad Deal
Our “amateur” president (to quote Bill Clinton) continues to
display his ineptness in the 5-to-1 Taliban prisoner exchange for Private
Bergdahl. He claims the mantle of
nobility in line with Washington, Lincoln & FDR who released prisoners, but
shows his ignorance of history because those all followed cessation of
hostilities, victory and instruments of surrender/treaties. Of course he would like to think the war is
over, and indeed politically wants to reap the rewards of unilaterally withdrawing
troops before any conclusion to the conflict, or effective transition to a
capable native defense force. After all,
OBL is dead, right, and he took the victory lap? His ego is such that he apparently feels his
sheer will and power of words will make it so.
But of course he didn’t even want to call it a war, but rather an “overseas
contingency operation.” So now that he
wants to avoid the stigma of negotiating with terrorists, he calls it a POW
exchange. Another Orwellian dodge, just
as with Obamacare – first it wasn’t a tax, and then it was – whatever it takes
to get through. And then there are the
flip-flops on gay marriage, etc. – but I digress.
He also doesn’t seem to understand mathematics or
negotiation. Exchanging 5 senior Taliban
generals and deputies for one deserter at best (by all first-hand accounts),
and traitor at worst (by other accounts).
The Taliban is touting this as a great victory, and it will bolster
their forces morally and with reinforced leadership. And what have we gained? A deserter or traitor about to be
court-martialed. Of course Obama thought
it would be another great photo-op (and distraction from the VA scandal, etc.,
and show of support for the troops), including his parents at the White
House. And his Taliban-sympathetic father in full
beard and praising Allah in Pashtun, with Obama smiling on. Yes, another photo-op for the Taliban, in
addition to the one they took of the exchange.
As to Obama’s negotiating skills, we clearly came out on the
short end of this one. There apparently
really was no negotiating – they seem to have just taken the deal the Taliban
demanded. Not only did he negotiate with terrorists, but he couldn’t
even do that right. And while they want to draw a distinction
between the Taliban and Al Qaida, that goes against the entire premise of the
Afghanistan conflict, that those who harbor and assist terrorists will be
treated the same. And of course the
Taliban terrorized and oppressed women & children & any not of their
radical religion.
But he and his miserable advisors and apologists clearly are
tone deaf to the American people’s sensibilities. The reaction has been loud and clear and
overwhelming against the exchange – even from some traditionally liberal press,
and Dianne Feinstein. Typical liberal stage
1 thinking – they’re shocked at the criticism because they’re blind to the
larger ramifications. Especially the
military community is outraged at the honors given Bergdahl (promotion to
Lieutenant in absentia and Rice saying he served his country “with honor and
distinction”) and slap in the face to those who truly have served honorably. Rice is vying for the credibility of Baghdad
Bob after Benghazi – doesn’t she learn?
Maybe she has learned -- that
being a spin-meister gets you promoted in this administration. But a statement she made the other day – that we
want to empty GITMO anyway – reveals another possible motive. That this may be the beginning of Obama
belatedly keeping his promise to close GITMO.
He couldn’t do it with no other place found to put them. All this of course before 2016 – in his mind
(and his constituency) his legacy after all is more important than our national
security. Which is why he’s set 2016 as
the date by which the last troops will be withdrawn from Afghanistan.
Several of those in his platoon have said he clearly
deserted, and saw and heard other indications of his disaffection, aside from
his email saying he was ashamed to be an American, and the note left his
comrades saying he was going to start a new life. They noted also that when he walked off the
post, he left his weapons. Locals who
saw him say they told him not to go the direction he was going because there
were Taliban there. Multiple fellow
soldiers said that they heard the translator of a radio intercept say an
American was seeking an English-speaking Taliban to talk to. Between 6 and 14 lives were lost in the
search for him. They also noted that the
accuracy and deadliness of roadside bombs increased dramatically soon after,
giving some indication that he divulged U.S. operational information that gave
them an advantage. So he may be responsible
for many more lives. If he willingly
deserted, why not just let him go, rather than compound the problem when it’s
not even worth a single American soldier’s life, let alone many? Ah, but the bleeding heart liberals must make
a nod to the perverted parents and the Taliban – and dishonor the parents of
those soldiers who died doing their duty, however mis-directed, in trying to
recover him. And then there were the lives
lost, no doubt, in the battles to capture these 5 in the first place.
And of course the precedent of negotiating with the
terrorists and exchanging for a hostage will only encourage more American
hostage-taking to get the release of other terrorist prisoners, and will put
more Americans in danger. And at a
5-to-1 exchange rate, it won’t take many to empty GITMO. One special forces soldier said the
appropriate treatment of him is a firing squad (of course after due process). And the 5 he was exchanged for are apparently
responsible for many hundreds or thousands of lives – mainly civilian victims
of the Taliban. They are war criminals. You don’t release war criminals, either, if
Obama knew anything about history.
And for being a professor of constitutional law, Obama continues
to show his ignorance of, or disdain for, that constitution. Even Dianne Feinstein agrees that he
wrongfully ignored the constitutional requirement that he notify and consult
with Congress 30 days prior to any such exchange. But of course Obama is above the law, as he’s
shown on various other occasions. He
knows better than the rest of us plebes.
After 5 years he suddenly (conveniently in the midst of the VA scandal)
felt Bergdahl’s health was at risk (no indications have been cited or are
evident in the videos), and there was no time to consult. And now Obama acknowledges there’s
always some chance these Taliban will
return to the battlefield (should we call him Captain Obvious?), as a third of their fellow released prisoners have
done. Why, then, release them in the
first place? But we learn today that
yesterday the director of national intelligence gave these 5 specifically a 90% chance of returning to the
battlefield. Obama clearly either didn’t
seek or listen to his advice.
In the face of this popular backlash, Reid et al accuse the
critics of politicizing. As if the
release wasn’t meant to be a political statement, complete with White House
photo op, and at the time of the VA scandal?
They slander and accuse the honorable men who served with Bergdahl and
others of “Swiftboating” Bergdahl. Well,
they’re right to lump him with John Kerry – another soldier who in many ways
deserted and misrepresented his comrades.
But to take the honor from the
honorable, and give it to the dishonorable?
Again I’m reminded of the biblical passage, “Wo unto them that call evil
good, and good evil,…” (Isaiah 5:20). And
for political purposes. It just seems to
reveal their true disdain for the military which they try to cover for
political purposes, but continue to cut benefits and budgets.
But that’s the
typical liberal tactic – when you’re out of legitimate logic or argument (as
they often seem to be), resort to name-calling and personal attacks. Conservatives are sexist, intolerant,
xenophobes, homophobes, racist, bigots, want dirty air & water, to throw
granny under the bus, for kids to go to bed hungry, etc., etc. Only liberals have the moral high
ground. Their intentions, after all, are
pure. Forget about the consequences of
their policies – ignore that man behind the curtain – that would take too much
thinking beyond stage I. Their intolerance
and disdain for the military, Christians, conservatives, etc. are by almost
every measure much more real, intense, expressed & acted upon than anything
coming from the conservative side.
Some even dare call
Obama’s actions just as treasonous as Bergdahl’s may have been -- aiding and
abetting the enemy. But that would just
be one more in a line of Obama’s actions that continue to weaken this country --
economically (single-handedly doubling the national debt – oh, that’s right,
Bush’s 4 trillion was unpatriotic, so 8 trillion must be patriotic; crushing
the recovery, thwarting our energy independence), militarily (slashed budget,
arms & forces), politically (less respect from our friends and enemies,
meaningless red lines, dividing us internally), morally (free exercise of
religion, expanding entitlements and government), ruining the health care
system, etc. But isn’t that, as D’Souza
clearly documented in “2016,” exactly his self-expressed intention – to bring
America down from its exceptionalist, leadership pedestal, to level the field
internationally, just as his socialistic policies are intended to equalize us
domestically? Not just equal
opportunity, but equal outcomes – a la the French and Communist models. Unfortunately, doing that just creates the
vacuum that Russia, China, Iran, Al Qaida, the Taliban, N. Korea, etc. are
anxious to fill – and are already beginning to.
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