
Showing posts from January, 2010

Earthquakes -- Physical & Political

A Tale of Two Systems (& Cities) More accurate estimates are now coming in – some 111,000+ dead from the earthquake in Haiti. A terrible toll, with great needs for humanitarian relief. And once again, the US is providing the brunt of that aid, with resources & generosity surpassing other nations by virtue of the fruits of free-market capitalism & Christian values. You can donate at: or But as in any disaster, there are valuable lessons to be learned for the future. It is noteworthy that in the 1994 Northridge, Calif. earthquake of similar magnitude, under just as populated an area, fewer than 70 died. Clearly, it is buildings that kill, and especially shoddy ones. And Haiti has totally inadequate or nonexistent building code...

Epiphanies, Socialists in Democrats' Clothing & the Welfare State

Another Epiphany! Giving credit where credit is due, apparently Pres. Obama has had yet another epiphany similar to those in his (ig)Nobel prize speech (that there IS evil in the world that can NOT be negotiated with but must be fought). The other day he actually used the words “war on terror” for the first time, instead of “overseas contingency operations,” or “man-caused disasters.” The Left must be fuming. It is not yet clear whether this is a real conversion from the liberal-left virtual world to reality, or just Augustinian political expediency. If the latter, our outcries may be getting through – liberals just have to feel loved, and apparently he wasn’t feeling the love being returned from the rest of the world (his "foreign affairs") after his apology tours, so he’s starting to make another try at patching things up back home. Socialists in Democrats' Clothing There were hints in the campaign, like the little slip to Joe the Plumber about “spreading the wealth....

Anti-American Pseudo-Science & Dirty Laundry

Anti-American-Exceptionalism & Pseudo-Science Exposed The Left loves to undermine the ennobling concept of American Exceptionalism (a “shining city on a hill” -- see also the Prager University video link in my favorite links), to make it easier for us to go the way of other countries & their failures. One of their favorite tactics is to besmirch our Founding Fathers, and thereby delegitimize or dismiss the system they produced – they are prone to reject completely anyone or thing exhibiting what they perceive as the slightest hypocrisy. They seem to jump at any opportunity or possibility, and propagate it in school textbooks and other works. Well, here is an example of where they took a blind leap into error, as has now been demonstrated. But of course being liberal or Left means never having to say you’re sorry, or wrong. William Hyland has published “In Defense of Jefferson,” about our 3rd president who has long been accused of fathering a child through a slave girl, Sal...