Epiphanies, Socialists in Democrats' Clothing & the Welfare State
Another Epiphany!
Giving credit where credit is due, apparently Pres. Obama has had yet another epiphany similar to those in his (ig)Nobel prize speech (that there IS evil in the world that can NOT be negotiated with but must be fought). The other day he actually used the words “war on terror” for the first time, instead of “overseas contingency operations,” or “man-caused disasters.” The Left must be fuming.
It is not yet clear whether this is a real conversion from the liberal-left virtual world to reality, or just Augustinian political expediency. If the latter, our outcries may be getting through – liberals just have to feel loved, and apparently he wasn’t feeling the love being returned from the rest of the world (his "foreign affairs") after his apology tours, so he’s starting to make another try at patching things up back home.
Socialists in Democrats' Clothing
There were hints in the campaign, like the little slip to Joe the Plumber about “spreading the wealth.” And the long-time associations with an anti-American terrorist and reverend. Then after the election, the seemingly endless stream of uncovered statements by downright Marxist czars & advisors (see my Oct. post, “Rogue’s Gallery” section). And of course the Left-driven Congress & administration’s socialistic moves with TARP & bailout control of the financial & auto industries. And the socialization of one sixth of our economy thru Obamacare. Some have been caught admitting this is just the foot in the door for greater socialization. Yes, the socialists seem to be coming out of the closet, although still somewhat carefully.
They’re savvy enough to know that despite Obama’s ridicule of those who use the term “socialist” against him (although you note he never outright denies it), Americans are not ready to embrace socialism. So they use other terms like “public option,” etc. And another Marxist tactic is to speak democratically, but act unilaterally – sound familiar with Obama’s numerous campaign promises of health care deliberations on CSPAN, vs. the back-room deals that actually happened? He’s very artful with words, but we need to follow those actions very closely.
And so here, in this video clip, is another slip of the tongue by another closet socialist -- MY Congresswoman, Maxine Waters -- I live in her district. She obviously means what she said -- after a painful pause, realizing she’d used a politically unacceptable term, she restates it in other synonymous terms. And here she’s talking about socializing the oil industry – yes, Hugo Chavez spoke well when he called him “Comrade Obama.” Well has someone said that the old Reds are now Green (or watermelons – green on the outside, red on the inside) – note a main excuse for socializing is the environment. [I give credit to my sister Valerie, president of the Park County Wyoming Republican Women's Club, for sending me the video & above cartoon]
Rather than hold an open townhall meeting on the health care bill earlier this year, Ms. Waters chickened out and sent an automated last-minute phone call just before a defiant one-way conference call (or internet) speech to tell us about the bill -- not to listen. Just typical of the arrogant leftist elite who know better than us peons. And who, in the gerrymandered district, represents a large welfare class clamoring for more wealth redistribution. That’s what happens when politicians choose their voters, rather than the other way around.
What an incredibly miserable array of representatives from California -- Boxer, Pelosi, Waters, Feinstein (well, she's the best of the lot), Harman,.... that's what gerrymandering guarantees! I sent emails to Boxer & Feinstein laying out my several specific objections to Obamacare, and saying if they voted for it with those provisions, I'd dedicate more resources than ever before to unseating them. Not that it deterred them (or would Waters), but just to let them know the days of their Congressional stranglehold are numbered. Now several Dems like Dodd across the country are seeing the writing on the wall & throwing in the towel -- announcing they're not running for reelection. Their strictly partisan, unresponsive acts are committing political suicide for their party, and will definitely lose their 60-vote stranglehold.
I want to contribute to all their opponents. I have already contributed to the Republican (Scott Brown) running in the Jan. 19 special election in Massachusetts to fill Kennedy's seat. It’s a very tight race, and his win would break the liberal 60-vote stranglehold & ability to ramrod Obamacare through. MoveOn.org & SEIU are contributing heavily to his opponent, and here’s how you can contribute to Brown: http://www.redinvadesblue.com/Moneybomb/Donate.html. I also intend to support Lowden in Nevada (opposing “Prince” Harry – how about that double standard about racist statements?).
And we MUST continue to speak out about and expose these socialists in Democrat clothing for what they are, before they pull their wool over an unwary American public’s eyes, and truly “transform” America as Mr. Obama promised. "My, what red eyes you have, Mr. Obama!"
Are Crime & Terror the Result of Poverty, or the Welfare State & Poor Values?
One of the tenets of liberal-left faith (& Marxism) is that economics determine behavior – i.e., crime and terrorism are a result of poverty. If we only pump more aid into poor countries, and socialistically reduce the disparity between rich and poor within countries, and between them (hence the great debts “owed” the 3rd world countries by the wealthier nations as we heard at the climate conference), all will be well.
Once again, the liberal-left live in a virtual world, not reality. Don’t confuse them with facts – emotions rule. The facts are, in the midst of the greatest recession in decades, overall crime in the U.S. has dropped to its lowest point in decades. And as to terrorism, most or all of the 9/11 hijackers were well-to-do, at least middle class with education, and the latest underwear bomber clearly came from a very wealthy, influential family, as did Osama bin Laden himself.
This is not to say there are not exceptions. Some (fortunately not a sufficiently large number to skew the overall statistics) do subscribe to the leftist theory that economic “injustice” justifies crime -- to the point of acting on it. Take for example the recent court officer in Las Vegas shot by a man whose welfare payments had recently been reduced. And there are no doubt others who feel justified living above the law due to perceived discrimination, injustice or victimhood – for instance the ACORN videos showing promotion of flagrantly illegal acts in gaining wealth, and many drug dealers & gang-bangers. And the terrorists consider themselves justified victims of cultural (or other) offenses of the West (especially America & Israel) against Islam.
This is the mentality fostered by the welfare state, or as informed Blacks at the Liberty Film Festival a few years ago called it, the “benevolent” liberal victocrats keeping their reliable voting block “down on the plantation” in a self-perpetuating cycle. This mentality and the welfare state that has supplanted the role of fathers/providers and promoted promiscuity & children out of wedlock for more welfare payments, and poor family role models & values (including lack of responsibility, as some Black spokesmen such as Bill Cosby acknowledge), may account for the disproportionate numbers of Blacks in our prisons. And now they'll add more fuel to the fire -- apparently Obamacare costs married couples at least a couple thousand dollars more a year than unmarried couples.
But clearly the combination of the overall statistics (including those in many countries poorer than our poorest) and the welfare class statistics show that crime (& terrorism) is more correlated with values and expectations from government than with economics or injustice. The solutions to the problem are not to throw more money at the poor, or redistribute wealth (more dependence on the state), but to wean people from the mentality of victimhood, dependence on the state, and to strengthen family & moral values that prevailed in the Black and other communities before the onset of the welfare state.
Despite all our best efforts to eliminate poverty, Christ prophetically stated, “For ye have the poor with you always,...” (Mark 14:7), presumably even during the Millennium – although the assurance there is that there will be no crime, because Satan will be bound (by the people’s righteousness). There are worse things than poverty, contrary to the great socialistic machinations underway to eliminate it at all costs – even our values.
Giving credit where credit is due, apparently Pres. Obama has had yet another epiphany similar to those in his (ig)Nobel prize speech (that there IS evil in the world that can NOT be negotiated with but must be fought). The other day he actually used the words “war on terror” for the first time, instead of “overseas contingency operations,” or “man-caused disasters.” The Left must be fuming.
It is not yet clear whether this is a real conversion from the liberal-left virtual world to reality, or just Augustinian political expediency. If the latter, our outcries may be getting through – liberals just have to feel loved, and apparently he wasn’t feeling the love being returned from the rest of the world (his "foreign affairs") after his apology tours, so he’s starting to make another try at patching things up back home.
Socialists in Democrats' Clothing

There were hints in the campaign, like the little slip to Joe the Plumber about “spreading the wealth.” And the long-time associations with an anti-American terrorist and reverend. Then after the election, the seemingly endless stream of uncovered statements by downright Marxist czars & advisors (see my Oct. post, “Rogue’s Gallery” section). And of course the Left-driven Congress & administration’s socialistic moves with TARP & bailout control of the financial & auto industries. And the socialization of one sixth of our economy thru Obamacare. Some have been caught admitting this is just the foot in the door for greater socialization. Yes, the socialists seem to be coming out of the closet, although still somewhat carefully.
They’re savvy enough to know that despite Obama’s ridicule of those who use the term “socialist” against him (although you note he never outright denies it), Americans are not ready to embrace socialism. So they use other terms like “public option,” etc. And another Marxist tactic is to speak democratically, but act unilaterally – sound familiar with Obama’s numerous campaign promises of health care deliberations on CSPAN, vs. the back-room deals that actually happened? He’s very artful with words, but we need to follow those actions very closely.
And so here, in this video clip, is another slip of the tongue by another closet socialist -- MY Congresswoman, Maxine Waters -- I live in her district. She obviously means what she said -- after a painful pause, realizing she’d used a politically unacceptable term, she restates it in other synonymous terms. And here she’s talking about socializing the oil industry – yes, Hugo Chavez spoke well when he called him “Comrade Obama.” Well has someone said that the old Reds are now Green (or watermelons – green on the outside, red on the inside) – note a main excuse for socializing is the environment. [I give credit to my sister Valerie, president of the Park County Wyoming Republican Women's Club, for sending me the video & above cartoon]
Rather than hold an open townhall meeting on the health care bill earlier this year, Ms. Waters chickened out and sent an automated last-minute phone call just before a defiant one-way conference call (or internet) speech to tell us about the bill -- not to listen. Just typical of the arrogant leftist elite who know better than us peons. And who, in the gerrymandered district, represents a large welfare class clamoring for more wealth redistribution. That’s what happens when politicians choose their voters, rather than the other way around.
What an incredibly miserable array of representatives from California -- Boxer, Pelosi, Waters, Feinstein (well, she's the best of the lot), Harman,.... that's what gerrymandering guarantees! I sent emails to Boxer & Feinstein laying out my several specific objections to Obamacare, and saying if they voted for it with those provisions, I'd dedicate more resources than ever before to unseating them. Not that it deterred them (or would Waters), but just to let them know the days of their Congressional stranglehold are numbered. Now several Dems like Dodd across the country are seeing the writing on the wall & throwing in the towel -- announcing they're not running for reelection. Their strictly partisan, unresponsive acts are committing political suicide for their party, and will definitely lose their 60-vote stranglehold.
I want to contribute to all their opponents. I have already contributed to the Republican (Scott Brown) running in the Jan. 19 special election in Massachusetts to fill Kennedy's seat. It’s a very tight race, and his win would break the liberal 60-vote stranglehold & ability to ramrod Obamacare through. MoveOn.org & SEIU are contributing heavily to his opponent, and here’s how you can contribute to Brown: http://www.redinvadesblue.com/Moneybomb/Donate.html. I also intend to support Lowden in Nevada (opposing “Prince” Harry – how about that double standard about racist statements?).
And we MUST continue to speak out about and expose these socialists in Democrat clothing for what they are, before they pull their wool over an unwary American public’s eyes, and truly “transform” America as Mr. Obama promised. "My, what red eyes you have, Mr. Obama!"
Are Crime & Terror the Result of Poverty, or the Welfare State & Poor Values?
One of the tenets of liberal-left faith (& Marxism) is that economics determine behavior – i.e., crime and terrorism are a result of poverty. If we only pump more aid into poor countries, and socialistically reduce the disparity between rich and poor within countries, and between them (hence the great debts “owed” the 3rd world countries by the wealthier nations as we heard at the climate conference), all will be well.
Once again, the liberal-left live in a virtual world, not reality. Don’t confuse them with facts – emotions rule. The facts are, in the midst of the greatest recession in decades, overall crime in the U.S. has dropped to its lowest point in decades. And as to terrorism, most or all of the 9/11 hijackers were well-to-do, at least middle class with education, and the latest underwear bomber clearly came from a very wealthy, influential family, as did Osama bin Laden himself.
This is not to say there are not exceptions. Some (fortunately not a sufficiently large number to skew the overall statistics) do subscribe to the leftist theory that economic “injustice” justifies crime -- to the point of acting on it. Take for example the recent court officer in Las Vegas shot by a man whose welfare payments had recently been reduced. And there are no doubt others who feel justified living above the law due to perceived discrimination, injustice or victimhood – for instance the ACORN videos showing promotion of flagrantly illegal acts in gaining wealth, and many drug dealers & gang-bangers. And the terrorists consider themselves justified victims of cultural (or other) offenses of the West (especially America & Israel) against Islam.
This is the mentality fostered by the welfare state, or as informed Blacks at the Liberty Film Festival a few years ago called it, the “benevolent” liberal victocrats keeping their reliable voting block “down on the plantation” in a self-perpetuating cycle. This mentality and the welfare state that has supplanted the role of fathers/providers and promoted promiscuity & children out of wedlock for more welfare payments, and poor family role models & values (including lack of responsibility, as some Black spokesmen such as Bill Cosby acknowledge), may account for the disproportionate numbers of Blacks in our prisons. And now they'll add more fuel to the fire -- apparently Obamacare costs married couples at least a couple thousand dollars more a year than unmarried couples.
But clearly the combination of the overall statistics (including those in many countries poorer than our poorest) and the welfare class statistics show that crime (& terrorism) is more correlated with values and expectations from government than with economics or injustice. The solutions to the problem are not to throw more money at the poor, or redistribute wealth (more dependence on the state), but to wean people from the mentality of victimhood, dependence on the state, and to strengthen family & moral values that prevailed in the Black and other communities before the onset of the welfare state.
Despite all our best efforts to eliminate poverty, Christ prophetically stated, “For ye have the poor with you always,...” (Mark 14:7), presumably even during the Millennium – although the assurance there is that there will be no crime, because Satan will be bound (by the people’s righteousness). There are worse things than poverty, contrary to the great socialistic machinations underway to eliminate it at all costs – even our values.
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