Litigator- and A**-Kicker-in-Chief vs. the Leaks

It would be nice if we had a commander-in-chief whom the troops (even avowed liberals like Gen. McChrystal) respected. But barring that, at least we have a litigator-in-chief who can, as he says, “kick some a**” -- in the courts and Chicago-style. And he’s got a strategy for a legal “surge” of new lawyers & government regulators that will result from the new 2,000-page regulatory bill – a whole new army of lawyers & SEIU members, to supplement the ACLU, the army of IRS agents to enforce the health care bill, etc. It would seem that Obama actually has created jobs – primarily in the government (he also took credit for the temporary census takers) and legal professions. That should do wonders for the economy and GDP, and towards becoming more like such economic bulwarks as Greece, California, LA,.... After all, if throwing a whole bunch of money at the recession hasn’t seemed to work, it must mean that we just haven’t thrown enough money at it. Never mind that that’s never ...