Hope and Change & the Mainstream Media (MSM)

They've given him a pass for 45 days on the oil spill, too. As well as the Sestak deal -- more handiwork of that "Prince of Darkness," Rahm Emanuel. So much for another of his promises of change -- no more politics as usual.
He seems to throw out occasional little token bones (verrry little ones) to try to pacify the center-right majority. Like a $100M cut drop in the bucket out of the trillion plus deficit -- like a bandaid when a tourniquet is needed (see a short video graphical depiction at http://www.wimp.com/budgetcuts/). Or the 1,200 "troops" on the border -- desk jobs, when at least 6,000 are requested and needed in the field.
And he's politicized the Arizona illegal immigration bill to the hilt. Neither Holder nor Napalitano had read it but were very outspoken against it, though it basically is no more than existing federal law that they won't enforce. California & LA are not in the economic position to be boycotting anybody, or wasting time on external affairs. I'd support Arizona cutting off LA's power, and am for a buy-cott. Spread the word -- vacation in Arizona instead of California. As Palin said, "We are all Arizonans, now." We do need solidarity -- like the Danes wearing Star of David armbands in the face of the occupying Nazis.
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