The “Shellacking” & the Lacking
The “Shellacking”

Clearly Nov. 2, 2010 was a very good day for the country, in restoring some fiscal and constitutional sanity, with a historical 61 GOP seats gained in the House, and several in the Senate. We did, indeed, fire Pelosi, and I may now need to modify my byline – we’re now no longer completely out of power. Now they’d better do what they were sent there to do – lower spending & government growth, stop tax increases, and repeal the most egregious parts of Obamacare, if the entire bill is not found unconstitutional in the multi-state attorneys general case.

But Obama & his cohorts appear to continue to be tone deaf in understanding the reasons for their reversal of fortune. And this does not bode especially well for the battles ahead. They believe, apparently still, that it was just some irrational fear & lashing out due to the poor economy, and the electorate’s ignorance of the greatness of what he’s done – maybe only in part because he hasn’t explained it well enough to us. There again, more incredibly condescending ego. For all his endless yammering, it’s never enough. Obama and Reid give every indication they will press all the harder on their agenda. Again Obama gives the same lip service to bipartisanship as before, with maybe a bit more necessity, now.

The Lacking

But while the nation as a whole appears to have been rudely awakened from slumber by the alarming Obama/Left agenda, California continues in its mindless stupor. You’d think marijuana had been legalized. Apparently severe unemployment, defaulting on unemployment payments, near-bankrupt deficits, miserable education performance, etc. are not enough to change the voting habits of the California electorate. They vote for more of the same. As Dennis Prager said, comparing the state to the Titanic doesn’t do justice to the crew of the Titanic – at least they made an attempt to steer away from the iceberg once it was sighted. And another resident & talk show host, Dennis Miller, calls it a “loser state.”

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Two of our finest, articulate, talented, business-savvy businesswomen/CEO’s with great plans – just what California needed amidst its mass business exodus -- were offered against two utter dolts. One dolt, former governor “Moonbeam,” a has-been hippy, has a miserable record, and admitted to having no plan. The other career politician, Boxer, was declared by even the liberal LA Times & San Francisco Chronicle as being an ineffective, intellectual lightweight.

But all this matters not a bit to the short-sighted, union- and welfare-mentality entrenched interests that dominate the state -- we have 1/10th the US population but 1/3rd of the welfare, and I think the highest ratio of government & union jobs. Their only concern is keeping their benefits – damn the economy and longer-term future of the state, and indeed their own benefits. They’re willing to milk the cash cow dry to live for today, and by continued high taxation continue to drive out the businesses and tax base that support them. And then there is the gentried liberal class who have the same effect by their extremist environmental regulation policies, and whose wealth-guilt imposes a welfare burden on the rest of us. As Prager says, the hippies now run California – it’s frozen in the ‘60’s. Brown certainly sounded like a stoned hippy in his acceptance speech.
And the trends continue to worsen, with businesses continuing to leave (and no hope in sight with Democrats now in complete control), and the welfare and government pensioned classes continuing to grow. The illegal population continues to swell, with their lack of contribution to the tax base (much goes back to prop up the corrupt Mexican system), and their drain on resources. All the signs point to California following the path of Greece into economic collapse. We’re nearly at the point where we can no longer dig ourselves out, and the only hope may be a federal bailout of massive proportions. Which on top of the rest of the federal deficit would bring down the country.
And so just as the rest of the country is pulling back from the brink, California mindlessly charges forward. Yes, once again California leads the way ..... this time into bankruptcy. It will apparently take much more drastic conditions to awaken Californians, if at all. The only silver lining is that with Democrats in complete control, when California fails, there will be no one to blame but the Democrats. And in fact the waning years of our RINO Governator had already ceded control to the Democrats.
For all intents and purposes, California is now a Democrat dictatorship. A proposition on the ballot even gave them simple majority power in the legislature – they can pass bills without any Republican support. There is some hope in the proposition that confirmed an independent redistricting commission – presumably any redistricting whatsoever would be an improvement over the Democrat gerrymandering, and give Republicans at least a bit more of a fighting chance.

Clearly Nov. 2, 2010 was a very good day for the country, in restoring some fiscal and constitutional sanity, with a historical 61 GOP seats gained in the House, and several in the Senate. We did, indeed, fire Pelosi, and I may now need to modify my byline – we’re now no longer completely out of power. Now they’d better do what they were sent there to do – lower spending & government growth, stop tax increases, and repeal the most egregious parts of Obamacare, if the entire bill is not found unconstitutional in the multi-state attorneys general case.

But Obama & his cohorts appear to continue to be tone deaf in understanding the reasons for their reversal of fortune. And this does not bode especially well for the battles ahead. They believe, apparently still, that it was just some irrational fear & lashing out due to the poor economy, and the electorate’s ignorance of the greatness of what he’s done – maybe only in part because he hasn’t explained it well enough to us. There again, more incredibly condescending ego. For all his endless yammering, it’s never enough. Obama and Reid give every indication they will press all the harder on their agenda. Again Obama gives the same lip service to bipartisanship as before, with maybe a bit more necessity, now.

The Lacking

But while the nation as a whole appears to have been rudely awakened from slumber by the alarming Obama/Left agenda, California continues in its mindless stupor. You’d think marijuana had been legalized. Apparently severe unemployment, defaulting on unemployment payments, near-bankrupt deficits, miserable education performance, etc. are not enough to change the voting habits of the California electorate. They vote for more of the same. As Dennis Prager said, comparing the state to the Titanic doesn’t do justice to the crew of the Titanic – at least they made an attempt to steer away from the iceberg once it was sighted. And another resident & talk show host, Dennis Miller, calls it a “loser state.”

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Two of our finest, articulate, talented, business-savvy businesswomen/CEO’s with great plans – just what California needed amidst its mass business exodus -- were offered against two utter dolts. One dolt, former governor “Moonbeam,” a has-been hippy, has a miserable record, and admitted to having no plan. The other career politician, Boxer, was declared by even the liberal LA Times & San Francisco Chronicle as being an ineffective, intellectual lightweight.

But all this matters not a bit to the short-sighted, union- and welfare-mentality entrenched interests that dominate the state -- we have 1/10th the US population but 1/3rd of the welfare, and I think the highest ratio of government & union jobs. Their only concern is keeping their benefits – damn the economy and longer-term future of the state, and indeed their own benefits. They’re willing to milk the cash cow dry to live for today, and by continued high taxation continue to drive out the businesses and tax base that support them. And then there is the gentried liberal class who have the same effect by their extremist environmental regulation policies, and whose wealth-guilt imposes a welfare burden on the rest of us. As Prager says, the hippies now run California – it’s frozen in the ‘60’s. Brown certainly sounded like a stoned hippy in his acceptance speech.
And the trends continue to worsen, with businesses continuing to leave (and no hope in sight with Democrats now in complete control), and the welfare and government pensioned classes continuing to grow. The illegal population continues to swell, with their lack of contribution to the tax base (much goes back to prop up the corrupt Mexican system), and their drain on resources. All the signs point to California following the path of Greece into economic collapse. We’re nearly at the point where we can no longer dig ourselves out, and the only hope may be a federal bailout of massive proportions. Which on top of the rest of the federal deficit would bring down the country.
And so just as the rest of the country is pulling back from the brink, California mindlessly charges forward. Yes, once again California leads the way ..... this time into bankruptcy. It will apparently take much more drastic conditions to awaken Californians, if at all. The only silver lining is that with Democrats in complete control, when California fails, there will be no one to blame but the Democrats. And in fact the waning years of our RINO Governator had already ceded control to the Democrats.
For all intents and purposes, California is now a Democrat dictatorship. A proposition on the ballot even gave them simple majority power in the legislature – they can pass bills without any Republican support. There is some hope in the proposition that confirmed an independent redistricting commission – presumably any redistricting whatsoever would be an improvement over the Democrat gerrymandering, and give Republicans at least a bit more of a fighting chance.
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