Romney Can't Win for Winning

Another GOP Debate Following the debate Thursday in Florida, the apparently universal consensus (spinmeisters, focus groups, polls) had Romney as the clear winner, and Perry stumbled. The focus group showed people were leaving Perry for Romney. And just when I thought I was seeing a clear trend, the FL straw poll 2 days later had Cain way ahead of both Romney & Perry -- seemed a lot of them were fed up w. politicians in general -- gee, I wonder why after Obama. And Romney'd been working FL hard, I thought. So things are still fluid, w. rumblings of Christy entering the race. And Romney today had audience w. the Donald, as all candidates seem to be making that pilgrimage – is he (the Donald) the king-maker? After a few debates, there’s beginning to be a lot of repetition, which of course serves some purposes. But I’ll only highlight some key new points or exchanges. Perry was asked where his detailed jobs plan is – others [most notably Romney] have posted theirs. He didn...