Memories of 9/11 2001

10 years ago today I had just returned from 19 days in Scandinavia. I’d decided to pick up a new Saab 9-5 at the factory in Trollhatten, Sweden, then drive it around Scandinavia, including Denmark where I have relatives. So my mother and I, and a Danish relative, toured from Aug. 20 to Sept. 8. It was fantastic - Oslo & Viking ships, Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen & the last week in Jutland. In fact earlier plans had considered staying a few more days, possibly returning Sept. 11, but my father had wanted to celebrate his birthday, Sept. 8, with my mother. Otherwise, we may have spent an extra week in Newfoundland, with others whose flights were diverted that fateful day.
I’d been home in my LA suburb of Gardena 2 full days – Sunday then one day at work on Monday -- and still recovering somewhat from jet lag. Tuesday morning I had just turned on the news after shaving, to watch while eating breakfast. I saw the incredible scenes of one of the Twin Towers having just been hit, and wonderment at how on such a clear day it could have happened. And then the other plane hit, removing all doubt, and the sick feeling in the stomach. I could barely tear myself from the TV, but had to, due to a scheduled meeting at work. On the short 15 minute drive, the radio reported one of the towers collapsed. The adrenalin & sick feeling in the stomach were intensified.
After arriving at work, I proceeded across the street w. colleagues to the meeting in our main complex of buildings, but had barely got through the gate when we saw crowds of people outside the buildings that had apparently been evacuated, as we yearly do for earthquake drills. We stood waiting for a pending announcement, and heard how both towers now had collapsed, and Pentagon hit, with likely many thousands dead. The obvious suspects were Al Qaida terrorists who’d attacked the towers before, our Sudan embassy and the USS Cole. I remember my outrage, and telling my colleagues we ought to seriously consider tactical nuclear weapons against their base(s) – clearly something more than Clinton’s ineffective cruise missile attacks on al Qaida camps in Afghanistan was needed.
The announcement came shortly that we were dismissed to go home. We could hardly focus on work, anyway. My work was shut down for 2 days, much of which time was spent glued to the TV, witnessing the devastation and recovery efforts at “Ground Zero,” and being in touch with family & friends. Displays of patriotism were everywhere – it seemed about every house flew the American flag, and new car window flags could be seen on many cars. Churches were full.
We were not allowed to travel without extreme need & permission of a vice president for a while. Then some weeks later I had a meeting scheduled near Washington, D.C., and one colleague refused to go out of fear. But I said I wouldn’t let terrorists keep me from the work of national security. Security measures were very tight -- unbelievable at LAX. Some programs we had worked on that didn't get funding now suddenly were because of clear need.
The 10th anniversary memorial observances, and the unveiling of new memorial sites in Pennsylvania, Manhattan & the Pentagon were touching today. But I have to admit some disappointment when I took my usual Sunday walk around several blocks in the neighborhood, and saw only about 1 house in every 10 with a flag flying, on the now-designated “Patriot Day.” How things have changed – the unity and open patriotism then, and now how politically incorrect open patriotism almost seems to have become. I've been reading the last couple days of the heros of flight 93, and marvelling at their courage with such little time to prepare. May we continue to follow their brave battle cry, "Let's Roll!"
We have, at least, gotten several of the top Al Qaida leaders, and prevented any major terrorist attacks on the U.S. And prevented Al Qaida & the Taliban from making a comeback in Afghanistan, and Al Qaida from making headway in Iraq. But at considerable cost in life and limb of our brave soldiers, and our resources. And we dare not let our guard down, with ongoing threats, and the apparent inroads by Al Qaida in the wake of revolts in various Arab states.
What follows is a series of messages to friends and a relative in 3 other countries within days or weeks of 9/11, showing feelings and thinking at the time. They generally go backwards in time.
Oct. 21 letter to Danish relative after touring 3 weeks with him just prior to 9/11:
I have wondered about the reaction there by the Danes to the horrible events of Sept. 11, and our subsequent response. I have to say that I and those I know have been deeply touched in our hearts by the scenes we have seen in England, Germany, and Canada in memorials to those who perished. And having been to Rebild Park I know more of the brotherhood of our countries. There were also hundreds from other nations killed, perhaps also Danes. Of course I know how NATO has stood solidly with us, and that Denmark is part of NATO. That Swedish woman says the Swedes were not very supportive of the Americans when she was there – and still sitting on the fence in the war on terrorism – just as in WW II.
Just the other day on the radio a favorite moralist on the radio [Dennis Prager] was interviewing a leading academic pacifist, and thoroughly trounced him by showing how morally bankrupt pacifism is in situations such as this. It was fine for Gandhi when dealing with a civilized people as Britain. The pacifist cited Denmark as a successful case of pacifism in the face of Nazism – claiming they were never conquered. The host quickly corrected him, and pointed out the resistance, and smuggling of Jews, etc. Experts on tyrants such as Hitler have come to the conclusion there are significant similarities with bin Laden – gaining popularity among an economically & politically depressed people, enflaming the passions against a scapegoat people (Jews & Americans), wrongfully citing religion to support them, etc. As the saying goes, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
I have written many pages to family & friends with my thoughts on all of this, and I’ll share just some short portions with you. If you’re interested in more, I can certainly send more.
I pray we can together address this scourge of our time and stop further such disasters from our shores and yours. But it appears futile to work further through the legal systems -- we did that after the first Trade Center bombing and embassy bombings, and it only allowed them time to develop and implement weapons and methods of mass destruction. The Taliban (and Saddam Hussein) have not been at all responsive to diplomatic or other pressure. Some say we need to better understand the reasons for their actions. But I think we already do well enough, and cannot afford to accommodate or appease them. I’m reminded of Chamberlain trying to appease Hitler. And in any case, there is no justification for what they have done. It is evil, plain and simple – it cannot be ignored or dealt with in any other way than to eradicate it as a weed. I think they have shown nothing more than that it is easier to tear down than to build up. And what they have “built up” in Afghanistan is certainly no world model – it disgusts even most Muslims.
Perhaps instead they need to understand us better. And appreciate the billions of aid we give various Arab nations, and the times we have layed our lives and materiele on the line in defense of their fellow Muslims (Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, northern Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo, Somalia). And how we try to broker peace and a Palestinian state. But the extremists clearly will not settle for that – nothing less than the utter destruction of Israel, which we have helped prevent on more than one occasion when it was attacked by all its neighbors. As the majority of Muslims acknowledge, the terrorists/extremists are trying to hijack Islam. Hijacking does seem to be what they are best at. And even the Palestinian Authority says bin Laden doesn’t really care about them – he will use any argument he can to garner support, just as did Saddam Hussein. And unfortunately, apparently many will believe him. So be it – they have also cheered for an earlier loser – Saddam Hussein. And it got them nowhere. Why don’t they just quit kicking against the proverbial pricks? They could have had a Palestinian State 53 years ago and opportunities since if they hadn’t chosen instead not to recognize Israel, and attack it. And continue to blow up Israeli civilians, pizza parlors, etc. And with the latest assassination of the Israeli cabinet minister, the Israelis appear to have come to the conclusion that it is futile negotiating or co-existing with them – it appears they are on the brink of all-out war.
I learned that some of the terrorists had spent time in Hamburg – not far from you. I heard a woman from Hamburg interviewed on the news, who said that unfortunately now Hamburg may be remembered as the place where the terrorists lived who started world war III. Well, hopefully it won’t come to that – unless bin Laden has his way in convincing a significant fraction of Islam that it is a holy war between them and the rest of the world (the “infidels”). Frightening to think that his vision of the world is apparently to have us all living under the Taliban. Back in the stone age. I’m sure Sadam Hussein & terrorist organizations like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, etc. would love to provoke such a broad war – Saddam tried exactly that 10 years ago. Fortunately there are voices of reason such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, etc. Ironic that we are now “allied” with Russia in going back into Afghanistan. And that NATO AWACS radar planes from Europe are now helping to patrol our eastern seaboard.

I truly feel sorry for the Afghan people, the more I learn of their plight – oppression under the Taliban (especially women), famine, poverty, etc. We have been sending food before the outbreak of attacks last week, and continue to. I feel very bad that innocents may suffer more for a while until the Taliban are deposed, and especially when innocent civilians are accidentally killed, as hard as we try to avoid it. Quite the opposite of al Qaeda, which obviously will kill as many innocent civilians as they can. Frightening to think that as some sources indicate, Saddam Hussein has been in collaboration with them – and who knows what weapons of mass destruction he now has developed and would be glad to have them use on us. No, time is absolutely of the essence in cutting off this collaboration of al Qaeda & affiliated terrorist organizations, and the Talliban. And any other states that harbor them.
They certainly love to exaggerate their civilian casualty figures to stir up anti-American sentiment and dissent here – CNN reported yesterday that while the Taliban claimed hundreds of deaths, an independent agency only was able to confirm 10 – after 2 weeks and more than 2,000 bombs and missiles. If we’d stopped bombing in WW II the minute there were civilian casualties, we’d all be Nazis now. These mindless mobs crying “death to America” remind me of little children who hear only one side (which is all many do), or who throw tantrums because they cannot seem to get away with hitting someone they don’t like. They expect us to just lie down and submit until we vanish. It was no doubt the same crowds who weeks ago were dancing in the streets in glee after Sept. 11. Sorry to spoil their party.
I believe it is not easy to be a superpower, and we have practically had it thrust upon us. And as Bush said, we have not sought this new war, but we will face it and prevail – however long it takes, and however many bin Laden supporters cry “death to America.” The alternative is unthinkable. They have grossly underestimated the soul of the American people, and have shot themselves in the proverbial foot. It took a very short time for the heroes of flight 93 (crashed in Pennsylvania) to be wise to the terrorists, and to thwart their evil designs for the greater good without regard to their own fate. And there are many more like them on every plane, in every city and in uniform risking their lives now in Afghanistan. Valerie’s husband Jay volunteered to fight though he’s retired from the Air Force, but they said they don’t need him at this time (Valerie is relieved). If not for my back and age, I would also, but perhaps I can do more in my current job – our space systems are also important.
And despite Los Angeles being apparently high on their target list, life, business, shopping and recreation go on here apparently quite normally. We all know we cannot allow them a victory by being paralyzed by terror. I’m sure the remaining cells we haven’t disrupted will strike (I think the anthrax scare is just a diversion), and there will be more casualties, but eventually we will eradicate them. We definitely need better control of our borders, and scrutiny of immigrants. But it will be a cooperative effort among all civilized nations. If they think they truly can resort to weapons of mass destruction and push us too far, they need to know that they will reap what they sow. There is a limit to the casualties we will tolerate and limit ourselves to conventional war. Many draw the parallel of Sept. 11 with Pearl Harbor, and some point out that it could end the same way.
Well, I could go on and on. I have read much, seen many news reports, had deep and heated discussions, and it only seems to become clearer and clearer we are on the right track. And it should be clearer to good people everywhere now that evil has so clearly shown its face and true intentions. I have never in my life seen such unity, expressions of faith in God, love of country and appreciation of things perhaps we have taken for granted. American flags are literally everywhere – every house, car, office, etc. The Congress is 100% behind Bush – as Congressional leaders have said, we are no more Democrats and Republicans, we are all Americans. The polls seem to indicate 90% of Americans support the president’s actions – unprecedented.
We also need to do what we can to democratize the oppressive Arab regimes, which hopefully will also help defuse the extremists. But the fate of the Arabs lies primarily in their own hands. The sooner they realize that America is not their real enemy, the better. The trouble is, to appease the extremists, various nations such as Saudi Arabia, Palestinians, (& Egypt?) are known to print in their school textbooks that it is right and good to attack infidels (non-Muslims). And so whole generations are growing up knowing nothing better. These extremists are selling them what we would call in America “snake oil” – perhaps you’re familiar with this 19th century expression.
Oct. 19, 2001 email to a friend in South Africa:
I believe what I was thinking (and the comment about the world economy impacting Africa) was not how your economy was impacted (by stock market fears), but how those countries (US, Europe) more directly impacted by the strike were impacted, and therefore the aid that they give (food, medicine), and the trade they have that may benefit you. 100,000 people in NY City out of work as result. Many Billions of dollars of physical damage. Some 15,000 children lost a breadwinner parent. Airlines business drastically impacted and would go bankrupt without government bailout (true in Europe, also). Travel losses hurt all kinds of other businesses in turn. I personally tallied the Sept. 11 drop in my retirement investments at some $28,000. ....
My work was shut down for 2 days, and we are not allowed to travel without extreme need & permission of a vice president. Security measures are very tight -- unbelievable at LAX. Some programs we have worked on that didn't get funding now suddenly have because of clear need. Thanks to Clinton our intelligence & defense were left in bad shape (one reason we didn't see Sept. 11 coming). And the economic recession we teetered on is now here in full force. But we will weather the storm. And our enemies will not.
What was the concern over the US response? I would think they should be more concerned if we didn't respond -- ie, we and our economy (and the world's in turn) just sit here like sitting ducks for more and more massive strikes. Starting WW III is up to the fanatical extremist Arab Moslems -- if bin Laden succeeds in convincing enough of them that it's about Islam against the rest of the infidel world, rather than just us going after the terrorist network and their Siamese twin host Taliban regime. Anything inappropriate about our response? I believe we've bent over backwards to achieve global consensus in the cause, and avoid civilian casualties, and provide relief to the starving peoples. If we never fought a war because of some civilian casualties, we'd all be Nazis now. And maybe Taliban in the future. ...
And speaking of fanatical extremist Arab Moslems, looks like they've continued to push Israel to the brink of all-out war.
I just hope they don't push us too far with more biological attacks (that have already partially shut down our government). I don't think they really want a full-fledged response. Not that their megalomaniacal leaders care much about their minions -- Saddam & Osama seem to gladly expend them suicidally -- we should be glad to oblige. Why doesn't more of the world condemn the indiscriminate barbaric provocateurs and provocations more than the carefully tailored self-defensive responses? Maybe therein lies the problem. Maybe it's a public relations battle of who comes off perceived as the victim. And why don't the peoples of these countries wake up and take control of their destinies, and get rid of the real threats to their peace and welfare -- their fanatical leaders, not the US and Israel? The Palestinians could have had a state several times in the last 53 years if they hadn't continued to insist on all (of Israel) or nothing. At that rate, they will continue to have nothing.
These "death to Israel & America"-chanting fanatics remind me of little children throwing a tantrum because they can't hit somone they don't like and get away with it. They expect us to just lie down and do nothing so they can continue to pound us into nonexistence. Sorry, but it ain't going to happen. And if similarly confronted, neither I think would you, or should you.
~ Oct. 18, 2001
Saw this on a CNN web site -- we're not alone: In Europe, fears of bioterrorism grew after
anthrax scares were investigated in Sweden,
Germany, Switzerland, France and Britain.
Gee, maybe they'll get Sweden & Switzerland off the fence.
Also caught a bit of the British version of CNN last night on cable, and a lot of talk of how their airlines are also being devastated financially, and big disputes over whether individual EU countries should bail out their national airlines -- France didn't care what the EU council said & went ahead.
Oct. 5, 2001
Heard a good one the other day on the radio -- I think it was this woman who's been (semi-?) seriously advocating sending Christian missionaries to convert them all (at least after the dust's settled -- look at Korea & Japan). Anyway, she said if we take bin Laden alive, probably the worst we could do to him is bring him here (or Sweden?) for a sex change operation, then send him back to live under the Taliban.
Oct. 2, 2001 email to friend in South Africa hoping for Bush to show “statesmanship & restraint rather than polemic.”
In addition to deep feelings about Sept. 11 being an American, I have thought long and hard, and listened to many reasoned discussions and points on various sides. And whatever Bush's image has been internationally, I believe he has acted with great statesmanship in his explanation of the situation, evidence and alternatives to leaders of many nations (more than just NATO, Russia, also middle east incl. Egypt, Pakistan, & far east incl. China). It is amazing to me the strong support of NATO & France (most amazing), and Russia, China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, etc. The nature of this support varies, and a response plan is apparently still in the offing -- it's been 3 weeks, so it's not like the knee-jerk token shooting of cruise missiles at Afghanistan Mr. Clinton did after the embassy bombings (and apparently little else).
I could go on and on about some foreign (and domestic) perceptions of Bush as a lame-brained cowboy. Shirac of France recently was amazed and praised Bush's competence and strength in dealing with him. And many liberals in America have been amazingly candid that their initial impressions of Bush were dead wrong -- especially after seeing him responding to the Sept. 11 attack in speeches at a national memorial service, and before Congress. Even admitting (as I strongly believe) that he's a better choice than Gore -- especially in situations such as this. He's much brighter than some would believe, and his inner strength, sincerity, humanity, principles and convictions have become more evident than ever. Not that those of us who already appreciated these qualities and voted for him (and put our money where our mouth was) were surprised.
Times like these when we learn who our true friends are. And as Bush noted before Congress, no truer friend than England. Blair was here right away, and I heard him speaking in Brighton on the news this morning saying exactly what there is I believe about 90% consensus in the US. And that is, that whatever the costs of our actions at this point, it is nowhere near the cost of inaction. Maybe you're not aware of the evidence uncovered that the terrorist cells have been pursuing in the US acquisition & understanding of for instance crop duster aircraft -- for dispersion of biological/chemical agents which could kill entire cities. As Blair pointed out, is there any doubt that those who unhesitatingly could kill several thousand people at a time would kill hundreds of thousands if they could? It is an act that once commentator I admire said embodies evil more than any other since the holocaust, and if it cannot be called evil, then the word has no place in our vocabulary. Unfortunately, we do not have the great luxury of time to try months and years of sanctions, diplomatic pressures, legalities, etc. This is an attack of war plain and simple, and on a scale greater than Pearl Harbor. And while it's fine and good to try and understand the grievances of the terrorists, etc., there is NO justification for their actions, and it will not help us. Would we go back and not respond to Saudi Arabia's & Kuwait's pleas for help against the monster Saddam Hussein? Would we go back and not help Israel defend itself against utter destruction by the combined forces of all it's neighbors? We gave legalities their chance after the first Trade Center bombings 8 years ago. And have isolated the Taliban for as long, and been warning them of the consequences of their complicity. And to what avail? It gave them time to develop and implement more effective weapons and methods of death and destruction.
... I believe (and Blair & Bush & many others echo) that we must utterly defeat and destroy them. If the Taliban stand in the way and shelter & support Al Qaida, so be it. From the reading and documentaries I've seen on life under the Taliban (including a very recent woman who smuggled video cameras in at risk of death), the Taliban is perhaps the most Satanic regime on earth. The vast majority of decent Muslims abhor them, and millions suffer under their rule, with hundreds of thousands facing imminent starvation, despite many tons of American wheat and other aid being sent even now.
Of what concern or benefit is Al Qaida and the Taliban to the 3rd world? Don't they either directly or indirectly also negatively impact them? Wouldn't their elimination benefit the Afghan people and the many nations suffering under terrorism? And the world stability, economy and democratization as a whole... Nonetheless, while we pray for peace, we are ... compelled to rally around the title of liberty take up arms in defence of our lands, our families, our freedoms and our religion.
Also to S. Africa (the week of Sept. 11, 2001?):
When I heard Pres. Bush the other day say we will make no distinction between the terrorists and the nations that harbor them, I cheered and gave thanks we finally have a good president. And I was reminded of a message I sent Pres. Clinton 2 1/2 yrs. ago saying basically the same thing... -- but he didn't seem to agree. And now we suffer the consequences.
Hard to see anything good in the events this week, but at least many Americans seem to have a re-awakened sense of patriotism and appreciation of what we have. And having lost the 2 greatest buildings in the greatest city in the world, and thousands of lost lives, a sense of humility and reliance on God. Sad that it takes something of this magnitude to do that. ...
I think this was a financial Pearl Harbor & attack on our freedoms & way of life. Hopefully this time we can wake up and sustain our memory & efforts to bring things to the same conclusion. Otherwise it will be more like the outcome of the Roman Empire vs barbarians.
It could have just as easily been me on that plane from Washington to LA, with all the trips I make. And to win this war we'll probably need many more people with the fortitude of those who overcame the hijackers on the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. And I've been angry enough about all this, that I'm ready to volunteer for any special task forces to win this war -- maybe not physically because of my back.
I'm also not convinced just getting Bin Laden will solve the problem. It's a wider problem. And apparently state-sponsored terrorism is alive and well -- according to Israeli intelligence, Iraq was behind this attack in cahouts with Bin Laden. It's the only country whose leaders openly cheered the attack. It's a devious bit of wartime disinformation to set up a surrogate scapegoat who's untouchable. And gross misuse of Islam by creating suicidal cults to further political power -- same as among the Palestinians. Looks like we may have to finish the job -- Gulf War II fough by Bush II. But in addition to Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Sudan & Iran have hosted terrorist camps. It sounds like NATO is shaping up to support a response, and even the UN in sanctioning it. Encouraging that Russia has offered help. It could shape up to WW III. And according to apocalyptic descriptions in the Bible, it may end the same way as WWII (Hiroshima, Nagasaki). And maybe some of the plagues will be biological weapons.
My suggestion for a campfire skit at our Scout troop’s annual Fall shooting outing:
And now for your entertainment pleasure, my unfinished new lyrics to "Day-oh, Daaay-oh! ...daylight's gone & me wan' go home ... come mr. tally-man, tally me bunch, two bunch, three bunch, four!":
(to be sung by special forces units in Afghanistan (or in various other countries) at the end of a hard day's work in fatigues & carrying heads & weapons)
Hey Mr. Taliban, tally me bin Laden,
1 camp, 2 camp, 3 camp, 4!
Al Qaida's been done in & me wan' go home.
1 cell, 2 cell, 3 cell 4!
Al Qaida's been done in & me wan' go home.
Saddam, Arafat, Moammar, too!
Despots are done in & me wan' go home.
[Part of a letter to a young German couple from Hamburg who I’d run into several months before here in the South Bay. Before this excerpt I described my tour of Scandinavia, etc.]
Oct. 14, 2001
The closest I got to Hamburg was Ribe, Denmark - a fascinating old town. It would have been nice to drop in to see you, but maybe another time.
Well, as you are well aware, I barely got back before the shocking and tragic events of Sept. 11. And I thought of you again when I learned that some of the terrorists had spent time in Hamburg. I heard a woman from Hamburg interviewed on the news, who said that unfortunately now Hamburg may be remembered as the place where the terrorists lived who started world war III. Well, hopefully it won't come to that - unless bin Laden has his way in convincing a significant fraction of Islam that it is a holy war between them and the rest of the world (the "infidels"). ...
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