
Showing posts from February, 2012

Romney & "the Establishment"

The past couple/few weeks, we at least here in California have been hearing a radio ad warning us of the danger of nominating another Establishment moderate, Romney, like Dole & McCain. The ad did not advocate a particular candidate. And then the other day I got a advertisement email from "Winning Our Future" with almost identical wording. I include most of it at the end (and it does advocate a specific candidate), for any who may not have heard it or something similar, or who'd like some context for what Ann Coulter is talking about in the article I'll share first. We're a bit surprised here to actually have GOP candidates showing interest in us (other than Obama for Hollywood campaign donations), as usually it's all decided by the time of our June primary -- an indication some are expecting a long, protracted primary battle. The radio ad, and now email, infuriated me with their absurdity (which makes me wonder about their unspoken, real p...

The Oath of Office & Obama's Performance

In observance of President’s Day, let’s consider how our current president has lived up to his presidential oath of office, and whether he is worthy of being entrusted with another term. “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” 1. Under his “leadership” the national debt has been driven up at an unprecedented rate, forcing a weakening of the economy, downgrading of our credit rating & severe cutbacks in the military, leaving the country weaker, less protected, and less well-preserved. After promising to cut the deficit by half by the end of his 1st (and last!) term, he continues to raise it & the debt to unprecedented heights, with 4 consecutive trillion-dollar deficit budgets submitted. 2. He has been preoccupied with legislation (Obamacare) that contributes significantly to the economic burden, and weake...

Santorum's Surge & Mitt's Mitigation

This primary season is just a continual roller coaster ride. After Mitt’s big wins in Florida & Nevada (2 key swing states, 46% & 48%) Feb. 4, Santorum pulled out a surprise caucus trifecta on Tuesday, Feb. 7, and then Romney came back (again, as after S. Carolina) in the Maine caucuses Feb. 11 with 39% (Ron Paul 36%, Santorum 18%, Ron Paul 6%). He also seemed to make his case fairly well at CPAC the same week, evidenced in their straw poll with Mitt 38% vs Santorum 31%, Newt 15%, Ron Paul 12%. And Mitt’s expected to do well in the only 2 other primaries before Super Tuesday – Michigan & Arizona Feb. 28. Then 10 states on Super Tuesday, March 6. I’d ask who’s changed more – the fickle among the GOP or Romney, who was the clear conservative choice at CPAC in 2008? Who’s been the steadiest in the polls? Look at the polls over the last year, and the flavors of the month that have now continued with Newt and Santorum voting surges. Easy come, easy go. If we’ve learned anything ...

The Comeback Kid -- The Blow by Blow

“A Thumpin’” As Krauthammer said today after the Florida election results, it was “a thumpin’” (Mitt's 46% to Newt’s 32%). Romney won more votes than any previous GOP candidate, and dominated every category of voters. Some data from the Romney campaign “...that illustrate why the Obama campaign is worried about facing Mitt in the general election: • Mitt had a broad base of support, winning among conservatives, Tea Party members, Evangelicals, women, men, and Hispanics. • With over 770,000 votes, Mitt received the most votes in Florida GOP Primary history. • The idea that Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum are splitting the conservative vote was proved wrong -- again. Not only did Mitt win more support from conservatives and Tea Party supporters than either candidate, Mitt garnered more votes than both candidates combined. • Mitt won Hispanic voters, a key swing voting bloc in the general election, increasing his support of 14% in 2008 to 54% in Tuesday's results. • Every GOP ca...