The Oath of Office & Obama's Performance

In observance of President’s Day, let’s consider how our current president has lived up to his presidential oath of office, and whether he is worthy of being entrusted with another term.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

1. Under his “leadership” the national debt has been driven up at an unprecedented rate, forcing a weakening of the economy, downgrading of our credit rating & severe cutbacks in the military, leaving the country weaker, less protected, and less well-preserved. After promising to cut the deficit by half by the end of his 1st (and last!) term, he continues to raise it & the debt to unprecedented heights, with 4 consecutive trillion-dollar deficit budgets submitted.

2. He has been preoccupied with legislation (Obamacare) that contributes significantly to the economic burden, and weakens the healthcare system, as now acknowledged even by Democrats. And it usurps powers limited to the states.

3. He has circumvented the constitution by appointing many czars, and otherwise grown the federal government bureaucracy.

4. He's fought the 1st ammendment rights of religious organizations by interfering with the free practice of their religion.

5. He’s expanded other entitlement programs like food stamps, targeting the wealthy to pay for them, and promoting class warfare, which only tends to preserve, grow and entrench his political interests & welfare class, not the Constitution, or free enterprise.

6. He’s spent extravagantly on Keynesian stimulus programs that have never worked, and are not working now, extending the recession and keeping unemployment above the worst case he and his advisors promised. They have no practical experience in business or the economy, and even when their policies fail, they still don’t learn -- they doggedly press on, saying we just need to spend more.

7. He is preoccupied with the perks of the office, and playing unprecedented rounds of golf (see article below) and extended vacations, leaving the work to Congress which is deadlocked, providing no real leadership. He is also preoccupied with his own re-election, spending unprecedented time and public resources on fundraising trips (see 2nd article below).

8. He’s weakened our alliances by poor relationships w. allies (e.g., cancelled missile defense agreements w. E. Europe, snubbed Israel & England), and appeased or pandered to our enemies, giving them strength & time. His lack of leadership has missed golden opportunities to support change in Iran & Syria.

These are off the top of my head -- I know there are more given a bit more thought.

Our current president has failed miserably, and it is time to get one who will keep that sacred oath and stewardship. There are plenty of reasons to fire him. And Mitt loves to fire people who don't do their job -- or he could delegate that to his endorser Donald Trump.

“Obligatory: Obama plays 90th round of golf in Hawaii” [from]
posted at 6:00 pm on December 27, 2011 by Tina Korbe

This would be a blasĂ© bit of news if 90 weren’t such a nice, round number, but, as it is, this represents a record of sorts. Not only did Barack Obama golf on Christmas day, but he hit the links yesterday, too — and that round marked the 90th of his presidency. As Keith Koffler of points out, the time he’s spent on a golf course — about four to five hours a round — is the equivalent of three full months.

It’s not just that his perpetual self-indulgence signifies that “kind of laziness” the president himself admits plagues him deep down. It’s also that this particular indulgence required an exceptional sacrifice from the military men and women who had to accommodate his desire to golf at the Marine Corps base. Melissa Clouthier breaks it down, including a few particularly devastating comments from wives of Marines:

Well, the big deal is that a bunch of Marines had to work–blocking roads and doing other miscellaneous security detail–instead of being home with their families.
Here are some of the comments from the wives of these men. (I am not going to include the link to this page, nor am I going to include names, because I don’t want anyone in trouble. I do, however, have the screen shot and have copy and pasted the comments verbatim.) …

“Because he’s here, I didn’t get to see my husband all weekend, on our baby girl’s first Christmas, so he can have his vacation. So when I can’t get to my house because he wants to play golf it just adds insult to injury and yeah, gets on my nerves. I agree that it’s a sensitive subject for some of us who are more [a]ffected by his being here.” …

I was so angry! They blocked off my driveway… -_-”

“It takes him forever to play too because he isn’t good at it either lol!”
She dubs him “President Selfish,” and I think that moniker is more than appropriate.

“Barack Obama Has, on Average, Attended a Fundraiser Every 5 Days in 2011” [from Mother]
—By Andy Kroll
Thu Dec. 1, 2011 9:30 AM PST
Zhang Jun/Xinhua/

On Wednesday, President Obama zipped up to New York City to attend three different fundraising events. Occupy Wall Street protesters greeted the president outside the Sheraton New York, the site of one of Obama's fundraisers, though New York police officers kept the demonstrators penned in what NYPD called "frozen zones." (More on that here.)

But perhaps the most interesting item to come out of Obama's New York swing was this statistic, via CBS News' Mark Knoller:

Sixty-nine fundraisers this year by December 1. That's an average of more than one fundraiser every five days. (Though, as Obama's latest Big Apple trip shows, these events are often clustered together on a single day.) This is a blistering pace of rainmaking for the 44th president in 2011.

Obama's fundraising activity surpasses that of predecessors George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. According to Brendan Doherty, a political scientist at the US Naval Academy, Bush attended 41 fundraisers between January 1, 2003 and November 30, 2003. Clinton attended 23 fundraisers from January 1, 1995 and November 30, 1995.

Here's that comparison in chart form:

Prof. Brendan Doherty, US Naval Academy; Mark Knoller, CBS News

Obama is not on the money trail because he enjoys hotel ballrooms and posing for pictures with 1-percenters. The president's ramped-up fundraising efforts reflect the changing landscape of money in American politics, especially in the wake of the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision. Clinton and Bush II didn't have to worry about candidate-specific super-PACs and Karl Rove's shadowy Crossroads GPS outfit raising tens of millions of dollars to finance negative ads. And with the collapse of the presidential public financing system, which capped a candidate's spending, it's up to the candidates to rustle up as much private money as they can in the campaign arms race. (Obama opted out of the public financing system during the 2008 election, becoming the first presidential candidate to do so.)

Obama's fundraising has more than paid off. The president has raised nearly $90 million so far—but with a significant 46 percent of it from small donors—for his reelection effort, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. The next highest fundraiser in the 2012 presidential field is Republican Mitt Romney, who has raked in $32.2 million.

Obama's pace exceeds his own fundraising in the early stages of his first presidential run, in 2007. Through September 30, 2007, Obama had raised $80 million; this time around, that figure was $88 million through September 30. As the president, he does have the full backing and fundraising muscle of the Democratic National Committee, which is scouring the country for every dollar and every volunteer it can find to power Obama through what's shaping up to be one of the most bruising, cash-drenched campaigns in history.


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