
Primaries & Delegate Update

In the W. Virginia Democrat primary, a convicted felon in prison in Texas got 41% of the vote, vs. Obama.  Just maybe there’s a little dissatisfaction out there with the “hope and change.”  In the 7 primaries from May 8 to 22, Romney won 65-72% of the delegates.  According to Politico, as of May 28, he was 60 delegates short of the 1144 needed to secure the nomination.  With 155 delegates in the Texas primary May 29, as expected, he became the “mathematically certain” (my term -- no longer “presumptive,” but not yet “official,” which occurs at the convention) nominee with another 70% win.  A day most Mormons never thought they’d see – certainly at least many I’ve spoken with.  They’re possibly as incredulous as the Evangelicals.

The general polling continues to be neck-and-neck between Mitt & Obama.  But Mitt is apparently closing the gender gap, and is even ahead of Obama in polling of married women who, as Ann Romney points out, are vitally concerned about the economy, etc.

An “Evolving” President

Obama just added another flip-flop to the litany Carl Rove mentioned (in a previous blog) – gay marriage.  He’d better steer clear of accusing Romney of flip-flops.  Even more troubling is his tenuous citation of scripture in support of his position – the golden rule.  Although most of his justification was, as typical for liberals, feelings-based, including the feelings of his 2 little girls.  So much for the wisdom of the ages, and of God. 

And his long Darwinian "evolution" on marriage since the last election found perfect timing, right after Biden & another administration official’s similar announcements, just before a $15 million Hollywood fundraiser.  And it was followed up immediately with a highly suspect story of bullying by Romney when in prep school – supposedly a gay guy.  The guy’s dead, his family denies the story, Romney can’t recall it, and the source is now very suspect.  We’ll see how his position plays in the traditionally religiously conservative Black community – Black callers to a couple conservative talk shows said they’re no longer supporting him.  On values, Hispanics are generally more conservative also. 

We’ll see how long these ethnic dissonances can endure, including the Jewish vote regarding Israel.  I’ve heard of some awakening there, too, with positive feelings towards Romney with his long-standing friendship w. Netanyahu.  And then there’s the American Catholic leadership speaking out strongly against the Obama administration’s mandating that Catholic institutions provide their employees contraceptives, against their beliefs.  And a class action lawsuit by many Catholic institutions.

The Economy, Stupid

Arthur Brooks, author of “The Road to Freedom,” on Hewitt cited an expert empirical study of countries that have dealt with economic crises/bankruptcy.  Apparently the clear finding was that the more they reduced spending, even if that’s all they did, vs. raising taxes, the better they fared and recovered.  NOT tax & spend.  But these economic amateurs in power are Keynesian to the death – even if it kills us all.  Just like the recently elected European socialists, they say "the heck with austerity, let's eat, drink & be merry!"  And we all know where that's headed, and it's closely related to "heck."

Obama’s & his surrogates’ attacks have been focusing on Bain Capital, and the exceptions (failures), not the rule (the large net increase in jobs, w. a 78% success rate – much better than Obama’s record).  The particular victims in his ads are from a failure of a company 2 years after Mitt left Bain. He’s being demonized and called all kinds of names:  a vampire, vulture, robber baron, reverse Robin Hood, plutocrat, etc., etc. 

And they’re vilifying private equity firms -- just as predicted they would do, having taken cues from Mitt’s GOP opponents.  Several prominent Democrats have now said that’s about enough of that strategy.  Democrat Newark mayor Booker even said on TV it was “nauseating,” though apparently fellow Democrats got to him & he changed his tune the next day.  He’d mentioned that much of the union pension funds are invested in private equity firms – again, shooting themselves in the foot.

Presidential Qualifications

Now Obama & Biden are saying that Mitt’s experience at Bain no more qualifies him for the presidency than a plumber – to which Joe the Plumber, now running for Congress, took umbrage.  Again, I don’t think they really want to go there.  After all, have they forgotten that Romney’s executive experience as governor, CEO, Olympic president, church leader, etc. leaves Obama’s total lack of previous executive experience in the dust?  As clearly evidenced by Obama’s widely acknowledged lack of leadership (see, e.g., Ed Klein’s book, “The Amateur”).  They ignore the fact that the biggest problem facing the country is the economy & debt, and what exactly about being a community organizer and brief rookie legislator qualifies Obama?  His signature piece of legislation – Obamacare – is a disaster that will no doubt be struck down by the Supreme Court.  In contrast with Mitt’s reversing deep red ink into surpluses in MA, the Olympics & many companies, and creating many jobs.  The one thing Obama’s done right – approving getting bin Laden – was, fortunately for him, a no-brainer, and set up by predecessors & our great military.

Obama really seems to be flailing.  He can’t really talk about his lousy record.  People are weary of his impotent “hope & change” mantra, which he has changed to “forward” (more of the same?).  So he has to belittle his opponent -- just as Romney predicted about distractions, distortions & diversions.  Romney’s taken the higher road so far, saying about an independent PAC’s proposed strategy, that Rev. Wright is out of bounds.  Of course that may be in part to avoid giving Obama the incentive to go after Romney’s religion.  But as mentioned in the last post, Obama can leave that to his liberal media surrogates, anyway – they’ll be more than glad to oblige, as they’ve already begun to.  That’s OK – some conservative media voices like Hannity have said they don’t feel bound, and will go after Obama on all fronts and belatedly do the vetting that should have been done in the last election – so there are surrogates on the GOP side, as well.

A Message to Sour Grapes Conservatives

Some “conservative” talk show hosts like Levin & Harris continue to make snide remarks about the party’s nominee (Romney), like “I don’t know what he believes.”  Well, they do themselves and their/our conservative cause no service.  Not ignoring their true meaning – the implication that he has no core, flip-flops, etc. – why don’t they inform themselves, rather than remain “...blind leaders of the blind.”  (Matth. 15:14)   It’s not like he’s been silent, or his character hasn’t been shown in many instances (“Faith in America” speech, Bain colleague testimonials, his life of service,....).  Their shallowness is only matched by that of Obama’s attacks. 

Of course they still have sour grapes over their candidates not winning, and they’re willing to undermine the crucial support our candidate needs in a tight race.  And this to endear themselves to others similarly soured, and/or anxious to justify their anti-Mormon bigotry with a more politically correct rationale.  If that’s their motivation (concern over Mormon theology), consider  which will have worse consequences – 4 more years of Obama (w. debt, economy, Supreme Court appointees, etc.), or 4 years of someone who shares their values and hasn’t “corrupted” Massachusetts, the Olympics or Bain Capital with his theology.  Nor have other LDS in elected office – they have served honorably and generally upheld conservative principles.  This is a good time to show your faith and belief in Article VI of the Constitution – that there is to be no religious test for political office.

Message:  Snap out of it!!!  You can either do that or continue to try to justify yourselves.  Get over yourself and your narrow interests and concerns and think of the bigger picture.  Think of the ramifications if Romney loses, and you have yourselves partly to blame.    Whatever your feelings, recall those words of our former secdef – “you go to war with the army you have.”  Additionally, you follow and support the commander in chief.  If you think we can afford your divisive sniping in this critical and close race, think again.  Consider the adage, “if you can’t think of anything good to say, say nothing at all.”  Save your cuts for Obama, where you can actually help the country.

A Message to Liberals. 

You got an articulate Black – just what you wanted to show your/our color-blindness & lack of prejudice.  But if the color of your skin really doesn’t matter, then the ideas you articulate, and moreso those you enact, should.  That is what this election is about – how effective those ideas have been and will be if continued.  The consequences for the future of this nation.  If you think the GOP proposals are austere and will hurt people, just think of how many more will be hurt if we continue on the heels of Greece and entire programs as well as the economy really collapse, and we continue to saddle future generations with staggering debt just so we can have some entitlements today.  What will you have when you've milked the cow dry?  And money will go where the business climate is better -- just like the thousands of wealthy French who are now applying for Swiss citizenship, in the face of increasing taxes on the wealthy after the Socialist victories.  And just like the businesses that have flocked from California to Texas.

And for those liberals ever searching for the next prejudice and barrier to break down, consider that you may be able to get two for the price of one.  You can strike a blow against religious prejudice by voting for a member of one of the most marginalized religions in America, and at the same time have a man who is eminently qualified by experience to provide real executive leadership, and understands the economy as proven by experience in 3 sectors, well enough to turn things around from the brink of failure.  That is the real, imminent & existential threat to this nation – one that if not quickly resolved will make many other issues insignificant or irrelevant by comparison.


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