Obama's Follies

The High Water Mark There’s hope for the US & California! Government employee unions may have seen their high water mark after Governor Walker’s convincing & unprecedented win in the Wisconsin recall election – one of the bluest of states. And in blue California , the 2 nd & 3 rd largest cities, San Diego & San Jose (hardly a conservative bastion), similarly reversed course on the unions. These are bell weathers that seem to precurse another 2010-type nationwide trend, just as Scott Brown, Gov. Christie, etc. June 14 – Obama’s polls are trending down in every demographic – ethnic, economic, gender, religious, age, etc. Obama’s Keystone Cops The Obama administration has had some rough weeks lately, and is starting to look like the Keystone cops. More blame for Bush, and instead of hope & change, it’s the same scare tactics Obama deplored in the last election – now he tries to scare people abo...