Round 3 & Down to the Wire

Trick or Treat Sooner the better!!! Early voting has begun. Polls & Ads 7 Days to go until real hope & change!!! Romney was up 2 points in tracking polls overnight after the 3 rd debate. The New York Time’s “Swing State Tracker” – last 5 months tracking polls in each swing state – show all of them have improved for Romney & nearly or more than closed the gap. Other polls tend to show Romney doing better than whatever poll(s) NYT used. I hear Obama's about given up in Florida & VA, and focusing on Ohio . But Pennsylvania is in play, etc. Yes, miracles happen, and prayers are answered. Similarities w. 1980 (& a similarly disastrous president was defeated). Morris & some others are even predicting a bigger victory by Romney. Keep the faith. The alternative is unthinkable...