The Round 2 Slugfest & Romney’s Widening Lead
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This short video of Romney’s
speech at the Alfred Smith foundation dinner should dispel any notion that he
has no sense of humor. He was in rare
form – some great lines. And maybe the
latest polls (showing him several points ahead of Obama in the national polls,
and several electoral votes ahead) have lifted his spirits.
I liked especially (speaking of
Obama) “so little time, and so much wealth to redistribute,” Obama's relationship w. Clinton, St. Peter "didn't build it," and the designated driver.
Here's a Newsweek cover that one could hardly expect. Maybe just before they go out of print in Dec. they're finally desperately trying to show some even-handedness.
Bill Clinton continues to get sometimes not-so-subtle revenge for Obama’s attacks against him & Hillary during the Democrat primaries 4 years ago. A year ago he called Obama “the amateur,” and this week he said “the economy’s not fixed.”
“Gallup at a glance” from (there has been a
bit more widening of the lead more recently, and the polls are moving averages,
so don’t give the current actuals full credit – the trend continues upward). Romney clearly does better among likely
voters (Republicans fired up, Dems demoralized). And he does better in the critical swing
states that decide the electoral college.
But I understand he’s even doing better in 4 states like Pennsylvania that Obama’s taken for granted – no
anti-Romney ads there.
Debate Commentary
As expected, Obama, of necessity
and desperation to make up for the first debate, came out swinging and less
comatose than the first debate. He came
across even angry, and at times many even thought it might break into physical
confrontation. Of course he can’t defend
his record, so he must attack Romney.
But Romney’s record is excellent by comparison, so he has to attack his
words or character. Mitt stepped up his
game to match Obama’s aggressiveness, not backing down a bit. Obama’s disdain for Romney (and vice-versa?)
was evident in facial expressions and otherwise.
Obama was judged to do better
than the first debate, and even roughly a tie overall. He clearly energized his base, but just as
with Biden’s behavior, apparently he did little to positively influence the
undecideds/independents. A Luntz focus
group of Nevada
(battleground state) undecideds clearly broke for Romney, and called Obama
defensive, Romney presidential. And the
polls showed no overall movement for Obama, and in fact he continued to take on
water in the national polls, as well as in the battleground states. Rove called it a draw or edge for Romney – it
didn’t change the dynamic of the race.
People are looking for strength, character and a plan – Obama had no
plan, he may have won some points, but lost the argument.
Even a CNN poll showed Romney
preferred to Obama on the economy by 58 to 40.
One commenter called it Romney’s best moment on the economy – his
clearest, most concise presentation on the case against Obama, and for Romney.
Media bias was clear to
all – something’s got to be done to rectify that, especially in a debate
forum. Candy Crowley interrupted Romney
28 times, Obama 9. Romney got at least 4
minutes less time than Obama, despite Obama’s very vocal repeated complaints of
unequal time – his strategy worked. But
of course he needs more time to get out his verbose and hollow dribble. She unbelievably openly sided w. Obama on a
point about Libya . At which point apparently Michelle Obama
broke protocol & cheered/applauded first, followed by some others in the
audience. And Obama then said, “could
you repeat that a little louder?” Which
Candy obligingly did! Yes, she did later
admit the error (in fact as well as protocol).
But we’ve got to stop putting up with these MSM “journalists” who
mistakenly either think they can be unbiased/fair as moderators, or think they
can subtly influence the outcome with their biased questioning, etc.
Obama claims Romney’s plans
won’t work – we’ve seen how good a judge of plans he is, having failed utterly
with his own plans and promises.
Since the debate, Dems seem to
be focusing desperately on Romney’s phraseology in “binders full of
women.” It of course rankles them that
Romney so clearly championed and worked well with women in his Massachusetts
administration, and that he’s closed the gender gap (debunking the “war on
women,” just like the debunking of Romney as evil guy). And that the Obama administration’s record is
so poor, as testified recently by a former rare woman of Obama’s administration. She said it was a very woman-unfriendly, even
hostile environment. At the convention,
a Democrat woman (as well as Republican Lt. Governor) even sang his praises.
Debate Notes
In the townhall format, the
moderator selected pre-submitted questions from supposedly undecided voters in New York . The notes don’t include the facial & body
expressions, or getting each other’s face, tone, etc.
The first was a college
student concerned about getting a job after graduation.
Romney – He’ll make it easier to
pay for college & find jobs after.
Keep Pell grant & loan programs going. The problem is 50% of college grads are
unable to find employment, and have more debt to deal with with rising
education costs.
Obama – I want to build
on the 5 million jobs created [but net job loss], e.g., in manufacturing, and
reduce the deficit with the rich contributing more [again with the class
warfare, and ignoring that even taxing the rich 100% wouldn’t make a dent in
the deficit.]
Q: long term unemployed >
2 years is 30%
R. – The president’s policies
haven’t worked. The actual unemployment
is 10.7%, including dropouts from the workforce. He described his 5-point plan. He said the pres. too Detroit bankrupt.
O. – R. would have taken them to
bankruptcy without a way out [he clearly doesn’t understand bankruptcy]. His 5-point plan is only really 1 point – the
rich play by different rules.
Q.: The job of the energy
dept. not to lower energy prices?
O. – Reducing demand (clean
energy) will lower energy prices. [huh?]
R. – Look at the president’s
policies vs. his rhetoric. All the new
oil production ahs been on private land, not federal. The pres. brought a suit in N. Dakota against
energy production. This has not been ...
oil, coal, gas – we need to take advantage of them as well as cleaner sources
& get N. America energy independent.
Q: Is the new normal $4+ per
gallon gas?
O. – R. closed a plant in MA,
drilling on federal lands is up. More
efficient cars – what we’ll do the next 4 years.
R. – But that’s not what you’ve
done in the last 4 years – cut drilling permits on fed. Lands 50%, production
on government lads is down 14%.
O. – not true
R. – How much, then? [O.
wouldn’t say] It’s absolutely true. You’re paying more for gas, electricity. We need the Canada pipeline, drilling. [I noted here how assertive R. was against
both O. & the moderator]
Q.: Reduce tax rates for all,
make up w. deduction reductions like mortgage, child & education credits?
R. – Insurance premiums are up
& food prices – we need relief to middle-income taxpayers. Top tax payers will pay the same. No capital gains taxes if <$200K
O. – I cut taxes 18 times –
continue for middle-income & small businesses, but the wealthy need to do
more. Top-down economics won’t work.
R. – The top 5% pay 60% of taxes
– will continue if we bring the rates down so that they can keep more capital
to build businesses. 3 ½ million more
women are in poverty now than when O. took office.
O. – The math doesn’t add up.
R. – Of course this adds up – I
balanced MA, Olympics & Bain budgets.
Instead of halving deficits as O. promised, he doubled it, increased the
debt to $16 trillion.. I balanced the
budget as MA governor.
Q: – How do we rectify the
inequality of women in the workplace?
O. – Pell grants expanded
R. – As governor, he got women
for his cabinet. U. NY said
MA had more women in administration than any other state. 580,000 women lost jobs in the last 4
yrs. I know what it takes to make the
economy work.
O. – R. said “I’ll get back to
you” on the Lily Ledbetter law [like that’s the litmus test]. He said he’d eliminate funding for Planned
Parenthood, & child care, contraceptives..
Q.: Fears of returning to the Bush policies – how
do you differ, gov. Romney?
R. – Employers shouldn’t decide
if women get contraceptives. Crack down
on China
trade (Bush didn’t). Balanced budget
(Bush didn’t), agrees w. O. that half-trillion dollar deficits are terrible,
but then O. doubled them. Small
businesses say Obamacare keeps them from hiring.
O. – I signed new trade deals,
R. ousourced to China . Bush less extreme than R. socially (e.g.,
immigration reform).
Q.: I voted for Obama in 2008
– what have you done to help me?
O. – Cut taxes for middle-class,
ended war in Iraq . The commitments I’ve made I’ve kept.
R. – If we elect O., we’ll get a
repeat of the last 4 years, which we can’t afford. The difference between 1% and 4% growth is 9
million Americans out of work. O. didn’t
file for immigration reform, doubled the deficit, health insurance premiums
went up $2,500 (not down $2,000 as promised), created 5 million jobs after
losing 5 million. F1 in 6 is in poverty,
more [~50%?] on food stamps, the economy is growing slower this yr. than last,
and last yr. than the yr. before, etc. – moving in the wrong direction. An example where my policies worked is
Reagan’s recovery. 5 million new jobs
doesn’t keep up with population growth.
The president [O.] tried, but his policies haven’t worked – he’s a great
speaker, but...
Q.: Immigration
R. – Need to give green cards to
foreign grads, no amnesty to illegals.
Enforce employment laws, self-deportation, e-verify. Asked O. “Why didn’t you do immigration
reform in the first 2 years when he had a fully Democrat Congress” – no
answer. Asked O. if he’s looked at his
pension funds – he’s also got investments in Chinese & offshore companies.
O. – I don’t look at my
portfolio so much – not as big as yours.
...[?]...when make it into a divisive political issue...
Q.: Why did State Dept.
refuse extra security requested in Benghazi ?
O. – As CINC, he means what he
says – we’re going after the perpetrators [very slowly]
R. – The buck stops at the
president’s desk. Other issues – no
demonstrators there [contrary to admin. Statements], it took a long time [2
wks?] before they acknowledged that. The pres. went to Las Vegas & Colorado
for political purposes – symbolic significance.
Calls into question the entire foreign policy.
O. -- [tried to gain sympathy by saying how offended he was by Romney's suggestion he was playing politics. Heaven forbid a Chicago politician would ever do something like that.]
O. -- [tried to gain sympathy by saying how offended he was by Romney's suggestion he was playing politics. Heaven forbid a Chicago politician would ever do something like that.]
.:Q Clinton
took responsibility
O. – the president is
R. – It took O. 14 days to call
it an act of terror [e.g., in UN, spoke 6 times of the video as if it was the
cause. This is where Obama claimed he
did call it terrorism in the Rose Garden the day after the attack, and Romney
said really? O. said look at the
transcript. R. pressed it, saying OK, so
we have you on the record saying that you called it terrorism the day
after. Crowley as mentioned sided w. O., cheering
ensued (led by Michelle O.), etc. Some
have criticized R. for not pressing the attack then regarding the contradiction
of 2 wks of blaming the video, but I suspect he was setting O. up for a final
attack on the 3rd debate which focuses on foreign policy.]
Q.: In the DNC, said keep AK-47’s out of the
hands of criminals.
O. – I support the 2nd
amendment, but too many have been killed as in Aurora .
Need to enforce the laws, background checks, but weapons designed for
war don’t belong on our streets.
R. – Not in favor of new gun
legislation – automatic weapons are already illegal. Enforce laws in place & change the
culture of violence – education, parents being moms & dads, get married
before having kids. Fast & Furious –
thousands of automatic weapons given to drug lords, and the president invoked
executive privilege. In MA the pro &
anti gun people came together and each got something. Washington
is now gridlocked, but I showed we can work together with proper leadership.
O. – If kids have opportunities,
less violence [right, so O. hasn’t created opportunities/jobs]. Said R. was for an assault gun ban before he
was against it. [O. was for DOMA before
he was against it – a much more weighty issue morally.]
Q.: – Outsourcing of American
jobs – how do we keep them?
R. – Manufacturing has gone to China
(1/2 million jobs). We need to make it
more attractive to bring businesses here.
Not by trickle-down government – that’s never worked. China manipulates its currency – O.
refused to label them so, R. will. The
key is make America
attractive – bring down business tax rates – ours is 35%, Canada ’s 15% [why movies are made there rather
than Hollywood
anymore]. The regulation rate
O. – Need to close loopholes
[why hasn’t he?]. We’re on pace to
double exports [from when? By when? “on pace?”]
Bain pioneers of outsourcing.
R. – We can compete w. anyone if
all play by the same rules. China steals
our intellectual property. O.
mischaracterizes my plan.
O. – Want high skill jobs here.
Q.: What is the biggest
misconception about you, and why?
R. – I care about 100% of the
American people. I’m running because I
know how to get them back to work. I
believe in God & we have a responsibility for our fellowmen. I’ve served as
missionary & pastor for my church.
We don’t need to settle. I’ll get
us on track – I’ve done these things before.
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